Your chatbots from Freshchat can be configured to detect natural language, learn from FAQs, divulge in small talk with your customers, use feedback flows, and use a fallback flow if things don't work out. Learn how to configure all these natural language settings and more in this article.

You can access these settings by navigating to your bot > Natural Language > Configure > Natural language settings. Remember that these settings apply to each bot; this setting does not apply at an account level.

Enable natural language detection

Once you toggle on Enable natural language detection, the bot will start identifying the customer's intent based on how they ask questions or "utter their query". When you enable natural language detection, your bot will detect intents on Flows and FAQs.

You can also enable your bot to respond to your customers either with natural language or with flows when your customers reach out to you.

  • Choose Flows if you've set up your bots to handle incoming conversations in a more structured manner, where the customer can get the help they need through a series of interactive steps.
  • Choose natural language if you've set up your bots by training them using customer queries, FAQs, and intents, where the customer can get the help they need by having conversations with your bot.

Learn from your FAQs

You must complete a few steps before your bot can respond to customers with the appropriate FAQ that offers the best solution to their query.

  • Navigate to FAQs on the sidebar > Add FAQ button to create FAQs. Type in your content and hit Publish to create the FAQs.

1) You can also use these FAQs to help your customers with self-service on the Freshchat widgets.
2) You can enable Filtered Search to narrow down the FAQs that appear based on the tag used. 

  • Once you've added your FAQs and set up your bot flows to trigger intent detection, your bots can now use FAQs to answer your customer queries with your FAQs.

  • Navigate to Natural language settings > toggle Learn from your FAQs to ON > Save button.

  • Now, when your customers reach out to you, your bot can help them with a response from your FAQ.

Small Talk

When you switch on this toggle, your bot will make small talk with your customers, offering them a more humanized bot experience instead of a straightforward question-answer type of interaction. You can use Small Talk to make your bots sound friendlier and more human-like. Learn more about Small Talk here.

Feedback flows

Once enabled, a feedback flow will be triggered after every answer the bot gives. You can access these settings by navigating to your bot > Natural Language > Configure > Feedback. Remember that these settings apply to each bot; this setting does not apply at an account level.

  • You can also map flows to the two options: Yes and No. Your customers will be guided to the respective flows based on tehir choice. A thank you message will be shown if there are no mapped flows.

  • You can also set up additional languages for feedback options. 

Fallback flows

Fallback flows will be triggered when the bot fails to answer the customer’s question. This happens when the bot lacks answers from FAQs, Q&As, or Flows mapped to the specific intent the bot identifies in the customer's query. You can access these settings by navigating to your bot > Natural Language > Configure > Fallback. Remember that these settings apply to each bot; this setting does not apply at an account level.

  • Connect the fallback message to any flow, so the customers are redirected to this flow whenever the bot cannot take the conversation further. You can also set it up to make the conversation available for agents to pick up.

  • You can also configure fallback options in additional languages in this module.

Learn more about setting up your bots here: