Access all the free-text queries and messages sent to the bot to improve its natural language responses by navigating to Natural Language > Retrain Natural Language. The retrain page lists the customer queries and responses from the last 30 days. The tabs are defined as follows:

  • Unanswered queries: Customer queries the bot was not able to answer
  • Answered queries: Customer queries the bot answered. Admins can confirm the accuracy.
  • Unhelpful responses - Bot responses that were marked as not helpful by customers

Unanswered Queries

Unanswered queries include all the customer queries the bot couldn't answer. You can use this set of queries to train your bots. If you find any of these queries to help train your bot, you can take any of the following actions to map them as an utterance and improve the coverage of intent or a Q&A:

  • Conversations History: View the conversation(s) in which these utterances were used
  • Link: Add this user message as an utterance to existing QnA or Intent.
  • Create: Create a new intent or Q&A and map this utterance
  • Delete: Delete user message


You can search for specific queries you want to view using the search bar. 


You can also filter questions based on language and date.

Bulk Selection

  1. You can bulk select up to 10 queries and view conversations, link to existing Q&A, create them as new queries, or delete them.

  1. You can bulk-add similar questions as additional utterances.

Answered Queries

Use the Answered Queries screen to review how the bot responded to incoming customer queries. As an Admin, you can take any of the following actions to map them as an utterance and improve the coverage of an intent or a Q&A:

  • Confirm: Add this new utterance to the Intent, Q&A, or FAQ that the bot has suggested.
  • Conversations: View the conversation(s) in which the bot identified this intent.
  • Link: Add this user message as an utterance to existing QnA or Intent.
  • New: Create a new intent or Q&A and map this utterance
  • Delete: Delete user message


Search for specific queries that you want to view using the search bar.


Filter questions based on language, date, response type, feedback, and tags.

Bulk Selection

  1. You can bulk select up to 10 queries and view conversations, link to existing Q&A, create them as new queries, or delete them.

  1. You can bulk-add similar questions as additional utterances.

 Unhelpful Responses

  • Use the Unhelpful Responses screen to identify and improve the bot's response. The list of all bot responses that the customer identified as unhelpful is in the Unhelpful Responses section. As an Admin, you can use the pencil icon to go to the Edit Intent screen to improve the intent configured. 
  • The thumbs-down icon shows the number of times this Q&A or Intent has been marked unhelpful. By clicking the icon, you can view the reference conversations.

Learn more about setting up your bots here: