Managing customer interactions efficiently requires well-structured workflows that streamline conversations and improve the overall support experience. Key features like CSAT surveys, SLA policies, Agent Status, and Language Settings help ensure that customer queries are handled effectively, performance is monitored, and feedback is gathered for continuous improvement.

Here’s how these conversation workflows can optimize your support processes:

  1. Conversation CSAT

A Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) survey gathers customer feedback about their experience with your support services. These surveys typically include questions that allow customers to rate their satisfaction and provide comments. CSAT surveys help measure support quality, identify improvement areas, and enhance customer loyalty and retention.

CSAT surveys can monitor overall customer satisfaction, identify and address performance gaps among support agents, and gather actionable feedback to enhance products or services. By analyzing survey results, businesses can make informed decisions to improve customer experience and ensure consistent service quality across all channels.

Learn more about Conversation CSAT.

  1. Conversation SLA policies

Set Service Level Agreement (SLA) targets for first and subsequent responses, ensuring timely customer support. 

Here are some key scenarios where implementing SLA targets is essential:

  1. Utilizing SLA targets to ensure prompt assistance in a customer service center.

  2. Setting different SLA thresholds for urgent versus general inquiries to manage workload effectively.

  3. Customizing SLA targets based on customer segmentation, such as prioritizing VIP customers with faster response times.

Learn more about Conversation SLA policies.

  1. Agent status

Agent Status allows agents to notify their team of their current availability. If an agent needs to go offline for an internal meeting or a coffee break, they can update their status to let their team know why they are unavailable. This feature also helps admins monitor agents' time on Customer Service Suite.

The default agent statuses are Available, Unavailable, On a call, and After call work. You can add custom agent statuses of your choice.

Here are some key scenarios where using agent status is essential:

  • Breaks and Downtime: Agents can update their status to "Unavailable" or "Coffee Break" to indicate they are on a break, helping manage workload distribution and maintaining team awareness of agent availability.

  • Post-Call Follow-Up: After completing a customer call, agents can switch their status to "After call work" to signal they are performing necessary follow-up tasks, ensuring clarity on their current activities and preventing new calls or chats from being routed to them.

Learn more about Agent Status

  1. Web and Mobile SDK CSAT

Through conversation ratings, you can collect feedback from visitors and customers about their interactions with your team. When an agent resolves a conversation, you can send a simple survey to users to ask about their experience by setting up a Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSAT).

Here are some use cases for collecting customer feedback through conversation ratings and CSAT surveys:

  1. Enhancing Customer Experience: Identify and address common pain points.

  2. Monitoring Agent Performance: Recognize top performers and coach others.

  3. Product Improvement: Gather insights for product development.

Learn more about Web and Mobile SDK CSAT

  1. Language Settings

You can offer self-service support to customers and prospects in their native language.

  1. Global Customer Support: Provide seamless support to customers worldwide in their native languages.

  2. Localized Self-Service: Improve engagement by providing self-service options in your customers' preferred languages.

  3. Inclusive Communication: Foster better relationships with a diverse customer base by breaking down language barriers.

Learn more about Language Settings