Learn more about integrating Facebook lead forms with your account.Journeys in the web application help you craft personalized experiences for your audience. Whether you are looking to nurture your existing leads, onboard new customers, or retain your existing ones, Journeys help you automate your engagement by sending the right messages at the right time with the most relevant context.


To build these Journeys, let’s get you acquainted with the building blocks that help create that perfect Journey. The web application categorizes these building blocks into:


Triggers define when a journey should start. They comprise of user actions or preferences that kickstart Journeys (automated campaigns) that are relevant and personalized.

Email Activity

Adds contacts to your Journeys based on their email activity(sent, delivered, opened, clicked, replied, bounced, unsubscribed)

Added to List

Adds contacts to Journeys as and when contacts enter your chosen list

Added to Segment

Adds contacts to Journeys as and when contacts enter your chosen segment.

Contact field matched

Adds contacts to your Journeys when there is a match in the contact fields. You can also choose to add contacts to Journeys when an existing contact’s field is updated.

Removed from list

Adds contacts to your Journeys when they are removed from your chosen list. This could be helpful when you are running win-back campaigns.

Page visit

Adds contacts to your Journeys based on the pages they have visited

On Shopify event
Adds contacts to your Journeys when a Shopify event is performed.

Submitted from landing page

Adds contacts to your Journeys on submissions from a landing page. Learn more about building landing pages in the web application.

Form submitted from FB

Adds contacts to your journey on submission from a Facebook lead form. Learn more about integrating Facebook lead forms with your account.


Actions define the task that needs to be done once the journey is triggered

Send Email

Sends the contact an email campaign, performs post email actions and tracks metrics(opens, clicks, bounces, etc.)

Add to List

Adds the contact to your chosen list.

Update contact field

Updates contact fields with the specified value

Remove from list

Removes contacts from your chosen list

Internal notification

Helps create or select an internal notification. This helps in providing contextual engagement by enabling human intervention at the right time.


Calls an external API via webhooks. This comes in handy when you want to send/receive data from your other tools to the web application.

Add Deal

Add a deal in the CRM application.

Update Deal

Add a deal in the CRM application.

Add notes

Add a note to a contact in the web application.

Add sales activity

Configure a sales activity; for example, pass leads from marketing to sales teams. This block allows you to assign the activity to the right owners and provide a start and end date.

Add task

Configure a task in the web application

Send SMS

Sends the contact SMS campaigns and tracks metrics such as sent, delivered, and errored.

Add to audience

Add CRM contacts to an audience on social media 

Remove from audience

Remove CRM contacts from an audience on social media 

Send opt-in request email

Send a double opt-in confirmation email and update subscription status

Send chat or bot message

Sends the contact a chat pop-up or adds them to a bot campaign where they can engage with pre-configured bot flows.

Send WhatsApp Message

Adds the contact to a WhatsApp campaign and tracks metrics such as Campaigns sent, messages sent, delivered, and errored.


Conditions are the checkpoints in your Journey that help determine the ideal experience for contacts at every stage, depending on their changing preferences and real-time interactions with your website and campaigns.

Check email activity

Checks if the contacts have performed email activities like opens, clicks, replies, etc. This block is helpful when you want to set up follow-up campaigns.

Is in list

Checks if the contact is in the chosen list

Is in segment

Checks if the contact is in the chosen segment

Check contact field

Checks for a match in the contact field based on the specified value.

Check Shopify event
Checks if a Shopify event has been performed. Add AND/OR filters to filter specific events. 

Check page visits

Checks if your contacts have visited the chosen web page.

Check call activity

Checks if your contacts have performed any call activities. This block comes in handy when you want to run high-touch campaigns where your sales team needs to be involved in your marketing campaigns.

Submitted from landing page

Checks if contacts were created based on your landing page submissions. Learn more about landing pages in the web application.

Form submitted from FB

Checks if contacts were created based on Facebook form submissions. Learn more about integrating Facebook lead forms with your account


Controls help determine the duration over which users experience the Journey and contextually end them for every user.

Add a time delay

Waits for the specified time before moving on to the next block.

Add delay by contact date field

Waits until the contact’s date field before moving on to the next block. This block is handy when you want to send birthday/anniversary campaigns

Wait for Shopify event
Waits until a specified Shopify event is performed. Add a time delay after the event

Back-in-stock product

Waits until a specified product is restocked. This block is handy when you want to retarget customers who wanted to buy product(s) that was out of stock

Notify when price drops

Add a drop percentage and notify customers when the product is discounted.  

Add an event delay

Wait for sometime before, after, or until an event (such as abandoned cart) occurs. 

Split traffic

Splits your contacts into multiple routes. This helps identify the route that performs better and helps improve your Journeys’ performance.

Exit Journey

Exits the contact from your Journey on reaching this block.


Add context to your journey blocks. Use annotations to pictorially define journey steps and let your team know why you are configuring the journey in a certain way. 

Important annotations

Text block

Add a text box to set context and call out specific journey blocks.


Use shapes to mark specific sections or to create a flowchart to represent your journey on the journey builder.


Use catchy icons to call out specific actions such as announcements, captions, or more.