Playbooks are pre-designed templates that will help you set up journeys for the most common use-cases. 

For example, some of the most common use cases such as sending welcome emails or order tracking emails require the same set of steps for all accounts. 

With playbooks, such commonly used Journeys are templatized and made easy to access. As a user, all you are required to do is to clone and enable the journey with minimum changes and you are good to go

What are the playbook categories offered?
As of today, the most commonly offered playbooks are for:

  • Most popular

  • Grow your audience

  • Boost sales

  • Retain your customers

  • Track and review orders

  • Post-sale updates

How to find a suitable playbook and use the same?

  1. Go to Marketing Automation and click Journeys.

  2. On the Journeys page, you can find all categories of playbooks listed.

  3. You can either choose playbooks based on categories 


    Select a playbook by searching them based on Industry category, channels, and integrations.

  4. Once you zero in on a journey playbook of your choice, Click Enable Journey. 

    This brings up the dialog box where you can give a name to the journey that you’re about to configure. This takes you to the journey builder page with the journey elements already configured in place.

  5. Configure your journey by adding more elements if necessary and click Start Journey.

    This commences the journey.