There are two types of marketing campaigns that you can create in the web application.
Email Campaigns: These consists of email campaigns run by the user for a large group at once.
Journey Emails: Email campaigns that are a part of the Journeys created by the user. These email campaigns cannot be targeted for a specific audience at the time of configuration and can only be in "Ready to send status". These campaigns can be used when designing a journey.
To set up a marketing email campaign,
1. Click on the Campaigns choose Email and click on the Create Email Campaign button.
2. Style your emails the way you want to with the below four options:
Templates: Choose from our existing templates based on categories like Newsletter, Transactional, Offers etc., for your emails. The categories can be chosen from the All templates dropdown.
Layouts: If you prefer to style your email without themes, simply choose a basic template and use the editor to create your preferred email design and content. Access layouts from the “Create from Scratch” dropdown.
Saved: You can style your emails with an existing template also. The previously saved templates will be displayed in the below tab, from which you can select and proceed to design.
Upload HTML: You can upload your own design as an HTML file and make minor modifications using the editor. This is recommended for users familiar with custom coding.
3. Design your email template:
Once you choose your layout, you will be directed to the ‘Design’ step where you can customize your emails based on the different editing options that we have. If you have chosen multiple segments from the list, you can personalize your design for each and every segment.

Optimizing the design for a mobile screen
If you'd like to tweak the email for mobile screens, click
After you’ve completed configuring the design, click . This brings up the mobile screen editor which allows you to optimize your email specifically for mobile screens. This design will exist alongside the desktop design and will have no impact on the same.Save for the changes to take effect. The template will be saved under Style which can be reused. You can preview your design on both mobile and desktop.
A test email can be sent to a maximum of 5 contacts from the preview. This gives a glimpse of how your email will look like to the user.
to proceed to the next step.
Add a View in browser link (optional):
Enable your subscribers to view the email as a separate website. This allows them to send the link to their email, refer it to someone they know, or also bookmark it for a later read.
To add the 'View in browser' link, click Special Links and add the 'View this email in your browser' merge tag to the body of your email.
4. Configure the campaign:
The configure section helps you set up your email campaign with details like:
Campaign name: The name of your campaign
Subscription type: Choose the subscription type.
Sender name and email address: The email address of the sender needs to be verified before sending any campaign. All the pre-verified email addresses will be populated on the dropdown.
Reply-to email address: The email address to which the reply emails should be sent. If you prefer to use the same email address as the sender, you can enable the checkbox “Same as sender email address”.
Recipient List: The contact list to which the campaign has to be sent. Click on the ‘Recipient List’ dropdown to select the list that you have uploaded. Once you select a particular list, the segments inside the list will also be displayed. You can either choose the entire list or you can choose the segments within the list for your campaign. Multiple segments can also be selected and personalised within a list.
Subject: The subject line of your email. You can personalize the subject line based on the contact properties that you have configured earlier. The properties which you have set previously will be populated in the Personalize dropdown. For example, by choosing the first name property as shown below, the emails received by the contacts will have their first name on their email subject line. The dropdown includes the custom contact properties too.
Pre header: A summary text to provide a brief of the email content. This will be shown next to the subject line of your email.
Footer details: The footer information set from your end would be displayed in the end. Choose the appropriate footer details for your campaign from the options listed.
Click to proceed to the next step.
5. Link tracking and email footer
You can enable link tracking so contacts who visit the link will be auto-identified in the webpage and page activities will be automatically tracked. Choose the embedded links that you want to track.
Configure UTM parameters to track campaign performance on Google Analytics.
Click Send Now to send the campaign immediately, or you can schedule it for later.
- How to use a journey email template for an email campaign?
To use a journey email for an email campaign - please save the emails as a template by clicking the “save template” option within the email campaign and then use them under the journey email section.
- What is the major difference between and email campaign and a journey?
An email campaign can be personalized and sent to a targeted list or segment of contacts. A journey is a series of steps that enable users to visualize engagement flow with contacts and set up workflows to trigger action based on actions your email recipients take on your website or email campaigns.
- I've added my contact to a list or segment which is linked to my campaign but it still didn't send, why?
Only if a contact is subscribed to the subscription type of the email campaign or journey BEFORE they enter a campaign or journey, they will be engaged by the email or step of the journey.
- How to not change the sender email address on an email campaign? I'm seeing emails sent from the domain
To ensure your email lands in the Primary Inbox, we'll send it from [email protected]. - this error is commonly seen when your domain is unverified. Please try to send your email again after verifying your domain.
- Error : Domain is not verified
When you see an error that says the domain is not verified on your email campaigns page, try navigating Admin settings->Email sending domains ->click on your domain and check the status of the CNAME records.
- How to check if a contact has received an email campaign or not and send it to themif they haven't received it?
Segments can be used to see a list of contacts that have or haven't received an email campaign. Navigate to Segments under Marketing automation from your left navigation bar. The metric "Email activity" can help filter contacts by taking their email status into consideration.
- I can't access email campaigns it redirects me to a different page.
If clicking on any marketer related feature redirects you to a different section, it could mean that you are currently subscribed to a plan of Freshsales that doesn't include Marketing features. Please note that marketing features are exclusively offered in the Freshsales suite versions and are not available in the standard Freshsales version.
To utilize the marketing features you can switch your plans from Admin settings >> Plans and billings.
Short video clip for your reference to switch plans:
Note: Starting 5th May 2020,
All email campaigns that has senders with the following email domains, will not be able to send or schedule the campaign: (Also includes, and so on) (Also includes, and so on) (Also includes, and so on)
Emails will be delivered even if the domain is not verified in Freshsales. If [email protected] is not verified in Freshsales, the email will be sent with the sender email address changed based on the region. For example, If John Doe is from India, the email address would be [email protected]