Analytics in Freshsales helps visualize deal progression, and identify conversion rates, enabling sales teams to pinpoint bottlenecks and improve sales processes.

Here’s how you can set it up.

  1. While creating a report, add a chart widget.

  2. Choose the metric “Deal stage movement” and select “Total”. This selects the cumulative sum of all deals under individual stages.

  3. Apply the date range of your choice to see movement across deal stages. Use “Created at”, “Closed date”, and “Expected closed date” filters to get better insights on your stage stages.

  4. Filter this for a specific deal pipeline. Deal stage movement would present relevant insights only when applied to a single pipeline.

    If you want to see the stage movement for different pipelines, change the filter and group the movement by “Stage” and click apply. This brings up the stages through which deals have moved through.

    You can also view the underlying data for details on Deals

The chart shows that there were 12 deals in the New stage → 7 deals moved through Qualification → 5 deals moved through Discovery → 5 moved through Demo → 2 moved through Negotiation → 1 deal was closed Won, for Deals created in this quarter in the default pipeline.

  • Users can add multiple deal pipelines in filters. However, the deal stage movement analysis is best used one pipeline at a time. Selecting multiple pipelines will not offer a clear insight into deal movement as it is less likely for deals to be part of multiple pipelines.

  • A deal will be shown to have moved through a stage only if the deal was moved to that specific stage. For example, if a deal was moved from New→ Discovery (thereby skipping Qualification), it will be shown under New and Discovery and not under Qualification.