The web application offers a few sample built-in reports that are some of the most popular reports used by Sales teams. You can use them out of the box. 

The following are the curated reports:

  1. Sales Dashboard

  2. Contact Generation and trends

  3. Team Activity Dashboard

  4. Marketing Dashboard

  5. Email Campaign Report

  6. Marketing Journey Report

  7. Marketing Dashboard

  8. Sales Trends

  9. Sales Forecast

  10. Products Dashboard

  11. WhatsApp Campaign Report

To view the reports, click on Analytics iconThis opens the Analytics page. Here you can find built-in reports with the tag ‘Curated Reports’

  1. Marketing Dashboard
    This report can be used to view the marketing performance of your organization for a given time period. It carries the following widgets:

    1. Email overview

    2. Email engagement

    3. Email engagement trend

    4. Top links clicked

    5. Email Opens by Day

    6. Email Opens by Week

  2. Sales Dashboard
    This report can be used to view the sales performance of your organization for a given time period. It carries the following widgets

    1. Monthly Sales per owner

    2. Sales Forecast per owner 

    3. Sales trend for the last 90 days

    4. Sales cycle

    5. Lost reason

  1. Team Activity Dashboard
    This report can be used to gauge team performance based on sales activities. It carries the following widgets:

    1. Emails

    2. Phone Calls

    3. Tasks

    4. Appointments

    5. Sales activities

  1. Email Campaigns Report
    This report can be used to gauge the performance of all email campaign from the web application. It carries the following widgets 

    1. Campaign Overview

    2. Email opens 

    3. Top links clicked

  2. Marketing Journey Report
    This report can be used to gauge the performance of marketing journeys in the web application

    1. Journey Overview

    2. Journey Trend

    3. Email Overview

    4. Email Engagement

    5. Email Engagement Trend

  3. Contact generation and trends
    This report can be used to gauge how effective the contact generation is for a given period. It carries the following widgets:

    1. Contacts created over time

    2. Contacts created by owner

    3. Contacts by territory 

    4. Contacts by source

  1. Sales Trends
    This report can be used to gauge performance based on deal statuses. It carries the following widgets:

    1. Deals created over time

    2. Open pipeline

    3. Deals closed over time

    4. Pipeline by owner

    5. Lost Reasons

    6. Sales Cycle

  1. Sales Forecast

This report can be used to track sales forecast and attainment based on quotas. It carries the following widgets:

    1. Stage-wise forecast

    2. Quota vs achievement

9. Product Dashboard

With this dashboard, you can get insights into what the best-selling products are, how deal performance improves with associated products, and more. It has the following widgets:

  1. Total revenue. byproduct
  2. Total quantities sold by product
  3. Product performance report by industry
  4. Total deals by product
  5. Total deals in pipeline by product
  6. New customers per product