The Goal Performance report provides a quick status overview of all the accounts that are currently tracking through a goal or have completed a goal.

You can use the Account Lists dropdown to filter this report by any predefined account list. You can further filter by the time period or using the filter button on the top right.

It contains the following charts:

Goals by Status

Shows all the goals on the account split by status. This includes goals in Not Started and Completed status as well.

Goals due by time

This chart displays the number of open goals split by due by time. The due by time is bucketed into 7 days until 21 days and anything above 21 days is added to the 22+ days bucket. You can view this in the form of a list as well using the list view button on the top right of the chart widget.

Goals by Goal Templates/Accounts/Owners

This list displays the count of goal split by either goal templates, Accounts or goal Owners. It also displays the number of these goals that are overdue.

Goals by priority

Shows the number of Overdue or Non-overdue goals split by the goal priority. This can also be viewed in a list format by selecting the list view button on the top right of the chart widget.

Goals by category

Shows the number of Overdue or Non-overdue goals split by the goal category. This can also be viewed in a list format by selecting the list view button on the top right of the chart widget.