Using Segments, you can target your audience based on the events they perform on your website, like visiting it, viewing the products, placing orders, etc.

If you wish to segment your customers based on the events they perform while checking out,

  • Go to Marketing Automation > Segments > Create Segment.

  • Name the Segment.

  • Under Segmentation criteria, select Shopify.

  • Choose action as “Performed,” “Checkout Started,” “Atleast once,” “Anytime”

  • Click on Add Condition. (Choose to Include “All” conditions)

  • Choose another condition, for example: “Not Performed,” “Order placed,” “Anytime” (These criteria will segment all customers who checked out but did not place the order)

  • Click on Save Segment.

Note: You can select your preferred time range in the conditions, like “Today,” “Yesterday,” “After or Before a date,” etc.

Here is an image of a segment that subsets customers who checked out but did not place an order in the past day.