When you use the conversation widget from Freshchat to deploy your bot, your customers will be able to use Topics to deploy bots. You can also trigger a different bot flow for each Topic. Topics are specific messaging channels in the widget that your customers can use to connect to your team. Depending on the Topic, you can offer specific support. There are three steps to deploying your bots on Topics:
Note: Only the conversations widget can be connected to Freshchat Topics. To know more about the difference between the conversations widget and the self-service widget, click here.
Setting up your bots for Topics
- While building your bot, select Web - Conversations Widget as your channel.
- Set up your bots with the bot builder, making sure to build specific bot flows for each Topic that you want to deploy your bots on.
- When you are satisfied with your bot, Publish the bot. You can see a Deploy option on the top right after you publish the bot.
- Once you're ready to deploy the bot in Topics. click Deploy. You will be redirected to the conversation topics.
Setting up your Topics for the widget
- Select the Topic on which you want to deploy your bot, or create a new Topic by clicking the (+) Topic button. This will open the Topics settings page for the specific Topic.
- On this page, switch on the toggle to Trigger a bot and pick your preferred bot from the list that drops down.
- Make sure to pick the bot with the right flows. It should have been deployed on the Conversations widget for it to work on Topics.
Setting up your widget
- If you are using multiple Topics and widgets, you might have to add the Topic to the right widget. Check out the steps to add Topics to your widget here.
- You can also get the widget script of your bot and visualize and preview your bot before integrating it on your website. To get the widget script for your bot, go to Admin Settings > Chat Channels > Web.
- Click Start Customizing and go to the Embed code tab. Here, you can copy the widget script, preview it, and check the bot integration on your website. For more details, check How to configure the web widget on Freshchat.