Views are a great way to get a filtered list of contacts based on certain criteria. Whether you want to pull the list of contacts you have not reached out to, or the list of contacts who are awaiting your reply, views help you get the records you need in record time.


You are provided with a few default views. In addition to these default views, you can create your own views and access them anytime by clicking the Add new view button


You can also share the custom views with your team. However, users can view only those contacts that they have access to. 

  • My Contacts - Lists the contacts assigned to you.

  • New Contacts - Lists all contacts created in the last 24 hours. 

  • All Contacts - Lists all the contacts in your web application. 

  • Recently Modified - Lists the contacts whose information has been edited or updated in the last 24 hours. 

  • Never contacted-  Lists the contacts who’ve never been contacted.

  • Needs followup - Lists the contacts that need your immediate attention.  

  • Recently imported - Lists that have been recently imported into the web application

  • My Territory Contacts - Lists the contacts that have been assigned to your territory

  • Contacts with me in Team - Lists the contacts that have been assigned to your team

  • Recycle Bin - Lists the contacts that have been moved to the recycle bin. These will be stored on your CRM for 90 days before they are deleted forever 


My Views

You can find the views created by you, or shared with you under this section. You have access to 3 sample custom views, filtered based on the lead score. If you do not want these views, you can edit and delete them at any time. 

  • Active - Lists the contacts with lead scores greater than 70.

  • Inactive - Lists the contacts with lead scores in between 30 and 70. 

  • Slipping Away - Lists the contacts with lead scores lesser than 30.


At any point of time, you can modify these default views by adding more filter criteria from the Filter section and saving the view.  

To create a custom view,

  1. From the Contacts module, you can choose any one of the tabs and filter them to see a list of refined contacts. You can also create a tab or view with filters of your choice by going to Contacts > + <number of tabs > Add new view.
  2. To narrow your search results further, add filters of your choice. You can save your search criteria as a custom view to avoid repeated creation of the view. Click Filter by to open the filter overlay and add filters of your choice.
  3. Click Apply.

To save the custom view,

1. Click the Save view as button. This brings up a slider that allows you to save the filter view.

2. Name your custom view and choose its visibility. You can configure visibility in one of the following three ways:

  • Just me: Only you can access the custom view. 
  • Everyone: Everyone user with access to the account can access the custom view.
  • Selected users, teams, and territories: You can opt to share the view with specific users, teams, and territories.

3. Click Save.

Once you’re done adding all your conditions, you can select the columns you want to see in the filtered list view.

How to delete a custom view?
To delete a custom view, you need to be the creator of the view. 

- Click on the ' + _ more' button to the right of the opened view names to open your view.

- Hover over the name and click on the three dots next to the view's name and choose 'Delete'

- Click on 'Yes' to complete the action.

You can also choose to rename, share or close your view.

How to export a view?

There is currently no direct way to export contact views from the module. Please navigate to the analytics section > use the Contacts metric and apply the same filters you have applied in the view to this widget. You can then export the same as graph/tabular data.