Add and update information relevant to your profile. You can fill fields such as first name, last name, preferred pipeline, email signature, and so on.


How do I change my personal information?

To update or add user-specific information such as first name, last name, mobile number, and password please follow these steps:

  1. Click the Profile Icon and click the pencil icon. You will be redirected to the Accounts page of your web application.

  1. Click the Edit Profile button to make changes to user-specific information under the Profile tab.

  1. Click Save.

Note: You can change the language, timezone and social handle URLs in the Other Information section.

You can also change your password and set up two-factor authentication under the Security tab.

How do I change my preferred pipeline?

To update the preferred pipeline please follow below instruction:

  1. Click the profile icon and go to Settings.

  1. Click on the Other Settings tab on the personal settings page. Here you will be able to update your preferred pipeline.

  1. Click Save

How do I customize my email signature?

Customize your email signature by including your company’s name and logo, your designation, phone number, and social profiles thus offering more channels for the recipients to connect with you apart from email. The customized email signature gets automatically prefilled in the body of your email every time you send, reply to or forward an email in your web application.

To customize your email signature 

  1. Click the Profile icon > Settings > Email Settings. This opens the emails settings page where you can find the Email signature.

  2. Add your desired Email Signature  with the following personalizations, 

    1. Type the desired text in the editor. 

    2. Upload an image by clicking the image icon. In the Image popup, 

      1. Under General, enter the URL of the image or upload a file from your device.

      2. You can resize and align your image by giving the appropriate dimensions under Advanced settings

      3. Click OK to apply the changes.

Note: You can also add links to your social profiles, company's websites,etc., by clicking the link icon.
  1. Click Save.

Note: If you have an existing email signature in your mail client that you would like to use, copy paste it in the Email signature text editor and click Save.