As contacts are assigned to users and sometimes reassigned to other users, to help the sales reps know which contacts they should be working on, your web application auto generates a daily summary of the records. This summary includes:
The list of contacts, accounts, and deals assigned to a user during the day.
The list of contacts, accounts, and deals that were reassigned (transferred) from that user to a different user.
The summary is sent as an email at the end of the day.
To enable the auto-assignment and transfer summary,
Click your Profile icon.
Select Settings and click the Notifications tab.
If you want to receive a daily summary of the records assigned to you, select the checkbox Get email when a contact, account or deal is assigned to you.
If you want to receive a daily summary of the records transferred from you, select the checkbox Get email when a contact, account or deal is transferred from you.
Click Save.
You will receive both emails at 12 AM PST.
- A maximum of ten records is displayed under each category i.e Contacts, Accounts, and Deals.
- For Contacts, Accounts, and Deals, a complete list of the records is displayed.
- If no record was assigned to you or transferred from you, then you wouldn’t receive the summary email.
- However, if no record under a particular category, say contacts, was assigned (or reassigned) to you but records in other categories were, then you will receive the summary email. The summary simply would not include contacts in the list.
- The user performing the action (assigning or transferring records) will not receive this email. For example, if you are reassigning your contacts to a Stacy Rice, then the email is sent to Stacy but not to you. But, if a different user, say, Jane, is reassigning your contacts to Stacy Rice then both Stacy and you will receive the email and Jane would not.