The mobile app offers filters in Contact, Account, and Deal modules to refine the list of records.
The set of default filter views for contacts include:
Contacts with me in team
My Product Qualified Leads
Untouched 5-star contacts
Needs Followup
Never Contacted
Recently Imported
Recently Modified
My Territory Contacts
My contacts
New contacts
All contacts
The set of default filter views for accounts include:
Accounts with me in team
Recently Imported
My territory Accounts
All Accounts
My Accounts
The set of default filter views for deals include:
Deals with me in team
Recently Imported
Recent Deals
My Territory Deals
My Deals
Open Deals
These views can be accessed by tapping the hamburger button in Android or the dropdown button in iOS in the list view. However, you can also create your own custom views from scratch by applying new filters.
For e.g., you wish to create a view containing a list of contacts you own and assigned in the last 30 days. To create this view, let’s begin by applying the relevant filters.
To filter and save a view,
Tap on the filter icon from any list view. This brings up the Filters page with the list of all default and custom fields of the current module.
Tap Add filter to add a new filter condition.
Note: Fields that have already been applied will be disabled. Changes to the applied fields can be done from the Filters page.
Choose the sales owner field and add the value under condition ‘contains’ as ‘Me’. Click the tick icon on Android or the Save button on iOS.
Click Add filter and choose Last assigned at.
In the dropdown, choose ‘last 30 days’.
Tap Apply to view the filtered list of records. To save this filtered view, go back to the Filters page and tap SAVE VIEW.
Add a name to the view, define the visibility of the view, and tap the tick mark on the top.
- You can now view the saved view from the views panel
Modifying an existing filter view
Existing filters views can be modified only by the creator of the view. When you tap SAVE VIEW after changing conditions in a custom filter view, you will be presented with two options:
Save to the existing view: Applies and saves the filters to the existing filter view.
Save as new view: Creates a new filter view and saves the filter conditions to the new view.
Note: If you navigate to another filter view without saving an unnamed view, the changes in the unnamed filter view will be lost.