You can download the Mobile App for both Android and iOS. For instructions on installation you can refer to this article.

To create a contact on the mobile app,

  1. On the home screen click the + Quick Add button. Alternatively, you can click Contacts on the bottom. In the contacts list view that appears, click the Floating Action Button. The Add Contact overlay appears.

  2. The mobile app displays the quick add fields that have been configured in the web application in the Contacts Module.


  3. By default, you can fill in the following fields.

    1. Last name - Enter the last name of the contact.

    2. Choose an Account to associate with the contact.

    3. Under Emails, click the Add email button to add an email. You can choose from the list of labels - Work/Personal/Other to associate with the email address or leave it empty. Up to 10 email addresses can be added and one of them can be marked as the primary email address by clicking the star button.

    4. Mobile and Work numbers.

    5. External ID - Enter the external ID.

    6. Sales Owner - You can choose the user who or owner who will work on the contact.

    7. Subscription status - Choose  the subscription status from the following values:

      1. Unsubscribed

      2. Subscribed

      3. Not subscribed

      4. Reported as spam

      5. Bounced

    8. Lifecycle stage - Choose the lifecycle stage to which the contact can be mapped to. For example: Lead, Sales Qualified Lead etc.

    9. Status - Choose the status under the lifecycle stage that you have chosen. For example New, Contacted etc.

Note: Fill in either of the three fields - Email/Mobile/External ID to create the contact.

  1. Click the tick icon on Android or the Save button on iOS on the top to save the contact. A success message followed by the detail page of the newly created contact appears.

On the contact details page, click the Floating Action Button to add deals, files, notes/voice notes, tasks, appointments, and call logs associated with it. You can view all associated data of the contact in the respective tabs of the details page.