Create deals from the mobile app.

To create a deal on the mobile app,

  1. On the home screen click the + Quick Add button. Alternatively, you can click Deals on the bottom. In the deals list view that appears, click the Floating Action Button. The Add Deal overlay appears.

  2. The mobile app displays the quick add fields that have been configured in the web application in the Deals Module.

  3. By default, fill in the following fields:

    1. Name - Enter a name for the deal.

    2. Deal value - Amount or value associated with the deal.

    3. Products - Add products associated with the deal

    4. Account name - Search and choose the account that is associated with the deal.

    5. Related contacts - Search and choose the contact/s associated with the deal. 

    6. Sales owner - Choose the user who will work with the deal.

Note: Fill in the required/mandatory fields - Name and Deal value to create the deal.

  1. Click the tick icon on Android or the Save button on iOS on the top to save the deal. A success message followed by the activities page of the newly created deal appears.

On the home page of the newly created deal, click the + Quick Add button to add files, notes/voice notes, tasks, appointments, and call logs associated with it. You can view all associated data of the deal in the respective tabs of the details page. To change the deal stage from the details page, click on the Stage dropdown and choose the value from the dropdown.


You can also create a deal from the details page of a contact or an account by following the below-mentioned steps:

  • Click the Floating Action button

  • From the list of options that appear, choose Add Deal