An account is the company that you share business interests with. Contacts who represent an account are the account’s related contacts. The contact’s company is recorded as an account, and the expected business opportunity is added as a deal along with its value, stage, and expected close date.


Getting your accounts in

  • You can automatically add accounts using CRM Code libraries and manually through importing the accounts as a.CSV/XLSX file and via the + Quick Add button

  • When accounts are provided with their website URL, their display picture, address, social profiles and number of employees, they are is automatically enriched

Finding your accounts

  • From the Accounts module, you can choose any one of the tabs and filter them, to see a list of refined contacts. You can also create a tab or view with filters of your choice by going to Accounts > + > Add new view
  • There are five default views for accounts - My Accounts, All Accounts, My Territory Accounts, Recently imported, and Recycle Bin. These views can be edited using filters and can be saved as new custom views
  • You can sort accounts by their contact status and when they were created, updated, last contacted, and more
  • To narrow your search results further, add filters of your choice. You can save your search criteria as a custom view to avoid repeated creation of the view. Click Filter by to open the filter overlay

Bulk Actions

You can perform the following bulk actions on accounts:

  1. Delete

  2. Update a field

  3. Add or remove tags

  4. Add to or remove from a sales sequence

  5. Assign a user or owner

  6. Merge

Click here to know more about the bulk actions that can be performed on account 

Account details page

Account details page in Freshsales comes with Account 360 view powered by Spark UI. You can get a holistic view of an account and an in-depth context of your business customers within the CRM right from the Accounts page. You can prospect and nurture the business relationship and drive both new and expansion revenues easily with the 360 view of the account.

  • Know the associated contacts and the key stakeholders in the business

  • Understand the revenue potential, data of past deals, and the products purchased

  • Get insights into the account’s history of interactions with your sales team

  • Track the various sales activities related to the account

On the Account details page you can:

  • Find the company’s logodeals along with the recent conversations of the account’s related contacts

  • Add Notes, Tasks, Appointments, and Files related to the Account

  • Default and custom fields can be viewed and edited on the landing page