Freshmarketer shows all the activities of your users in real-time in a timeline format. It lists down all the interactions that your users (contact) have had with your website, Journeys, emails, and everything in between. 

Check out the following image to understand how activity timeline would look like for any contact:

This feature would ensure that you could select any contact on your list and get a qualitative insight into his activity. 

Following are the type of activities that will be listed in the timeline

Email events

What email campaign has the contact engaged with

Custom events

Any custom events performed by the contact
Journey events
What Journey has the contact been added to or exited from
Page visit 
What pages has the contact visited
Contact attribute changeAny change in the contact attributes of the user
Subscription status change
Any change in the subscription status of the contact
List related activity 
What list has the contact been added to
Form submission events 
What form has the contact submitted on the site
Manual activity along with the admin’s name
If an admin manually creates/updates a contact, moves it in and out of the list or changes its subscription status, the said task will be listed in the activity timeline as well along with the admin’s name.

At a time, you could view only four activities on the contact's page as displayed in the snapshot above. Click on 'View all' to see all the activities in chronological order. 

You could also filter the activities based on the date. Specify the date range in the filter, and the activities that have occurred in the specified period will show up. 

Additionally, in the soon to be released update of this feature, we are also going to allow you to filter based on the activity type. So, you would be able to select the desired activity type, and only the corresponding activities will show up in the timeline.