Freshmarketer doesn't provide you a direct option to download "All contacts" at once but If you would like to download All contacts rather than a list then you can achieve it with a help of simple workflow journey. Please follow the below steps to download "All contacts" from your Freshmarketer account

Step 1:

Create a segment with the following condition

Choose Contact Fields => Email => Is Not Empty (refer screenshot below) and select "Save & Apply"

Step 2:

Now create a Simple Workflow journey with the following configuration 

Add a Trigger Block with a Segment that we created in a previous step and then use the Action block as "Add to List" 

Step 3:

Now All the contacts will be added to the new list you created. Now you can export the "All contacts" list by navigating the lists => Export 

Refer this helpdoc to know How to export a list in detail 

You can download only 50K contacts at max, if your list has more than 50K contacts, please drop an email to the support at  [email protected]