What changed in Journeys 2.0? 

Section 1

Journeys 2.0 marks a significant functional and aesthetic upgrade, delivering higher flexibility, powerful metrics, and a seamless user experience.

  • Block-level metrics

    All blocks within journeys will readily show metrics for the number of users who have entered, exited, dropped, or queued.

    SMS Block:

    WhatsApp Block:

    Email Block:

  • Journey-level metrics:
    Journey-level metrics include a breakdown of the total number of conversions, unique conversions, total revenue, and the number of people who entered, engaged, and exited journeys.

  • Keyboard Optimization:
    We’ve added handy keyboard actions within journeys to make things easier for you: 

    • Select All (Ctrl + A, Command + A for Mac).

    • Undo (Ctrl + Z, Command + Z for Mac).

    • Redo (Ctrl + Y, Command + Y for Mac).

    • Copy (Ctrl + C, Command + C for Mac).

    • Cut (Ctrl + X, Command + X for Mac).

    • Paste (Ctrl + V, Command + V for Mac).

    • Enable drag mode anytime (Space).

    • Delete (Delete / Backspace).

    • Zoom In / Out (Ctrl + Plus / Ctrl + Minus, Command + Plus / Command + Minus for Mac).

  • Mouse / Touchpad controls 
    We’ve added better controls for zooming and selection using a mouse or touchpad, enabling you to navigate and interact with the canvas efficiently:

    • Zooming:

      • Pinch or Ctrl + Wheel.

    • Selection:

      • Single-Selection: Click on the block.

      • Range Selection: Click on blank and drag.

    • Additional Actions:

      • Removing or Adding an item to the existing selection (Ctrl + Click cell).

      • Dragging Block cells together (Range select + drag the selection).

  • Auto Align Blocks:
    Simplify and visually organize your canvas effortlessly by auto-aligning your blocks:

    •  Horizontal Alignment:

      • Left to Right (Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow).

      • Right to Left (Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow).

    • Vertical Alignment:

      • Top to Bottom (Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow).

      • Bottom to Top (Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow).

Note: Journeys 2.0 is currently available for new signups and will be released to existing customers in mid-KJuly 2024

Can I create multiple workflows within the same journey? 

Section 3

No, you will not be able to create multiple workflows within the same journey as this will be restricted by Journey Validation at the time of starting the journey. 

Can I use Keyboard, Mouse, and Trackpad shortcuts in Journeys? 

Section 4

Yes, we’ve added handy actions within journeys to make things easier for you: 

Keyboard shortcuts:

  • Select All (Ctrl + A, Command + A for Mac).

  • Undo (Ctrl + Y, Command + Y for Mac).

  • Redo (Ctrl + Z, Command + Z for Mac).

  • Copy (Ctrl + C, Command + C for Mac).

  • Cut (Ctrl + X, Command + X for Mac).

  • Paste (Ctrl + V, Command + V for Mac).

  • Enable drag mode anytime (Space).

  • Delete (Delete / Backspace).

  • Zoom In / Out (Ctrl + Plus / Ctrl + Minus, Command + Plus / Command + Minus for Mac).

Mouse / Touchpad control:

  • Zooming:

    • Pinch or Ctrl + Wheel.

  • Selection:

    • Single-Selection: Click on the block.

    • Range Selection: Click on blank and drag.

  • Additional Actions:

    • Removing or Adding an item to the existing selection (Ctrl + Click cell).

    • Dragging Block cells together (Range select + drag the selection).

Auto Align Blocks:

  •  Horizontal Alignment:

    • Left to Right (Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow).

    • Right to Left (Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow).

  • Vertical Alignment:

    • Top to Bottom (Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow).

    • Bottom to Top (Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow).

What are block-level metrics?

Section 5

Block-level metrics are performance indicators specific to individual blocks (such as Email, WhatsApp, or SMS campaigns) within the Journey. All blocks within journeys will readily show metrics for the number of users who have entered, exited, dropped, or queued.

What are Journey-level metrics?

Section 6

Similar to block-level metrics, journey-level metrics measure the overall performance of a journey instead of a specific block. Journey-level metrics include a breakdown of the total number of conversions, unique conversions, total revenue, and the number of people who entered, engaged, and exited journeys. This helps easily identify how a journey is performing.