What are conversion goals?

Conversion goals are outcomes you want to achieve from a campaign/ journey. The conversion goals in Freshmarketer help you understand the impact of marketing activities on conversions, such as orders placed, website visits, etc.

How do conversion goals work in Freshmarketer?

You can set events as conversion goals while creating a customer journey. If the contact who receives the campaign performs that event, it will be considered a conversion event.

For example, if you want to track how many people placed an order after you have sent them an email campaign, you can set up the conversion goal as “Order placed” and once a contact opens/clicks on the email, and makes the purchase, Freshmarketer tracks it as a conversion event.

Steps to create conversion goals in journeys

  1. Go to Customer Journeys under the Marketing automation tab on the left navigation bar.

  1. Click on Create Journey > Create from scratch. It will open up a dialog box. You can add conversion goals from here.

  2. Or go to Journey settings in the Journey builder page

  3. Click on Add goal in the Add conversion goals section. You can add up to 2 conversion goals (Primary and secondary)

  4. Select the event you want to track. You can choose from Shopify, WooCommerce, Website, or Custom Events.

  5. Let’s say you want to track whenever a contact places an order from the campaigngo to Select category > Shopify and Select event> Order placed.

  6. You can also add filters to narrow down the event. For example, if you want to track only the order placed for Shoes, you can add the condition in the filter section.

  7. Check the Track revenue box and choose the revenue parameter if you want to track the revenue from the event

    Note: Revenue performance tracking can only be enabled for the primary goal.

  8. Choose the time frame until when you want the event to be tracked after the campaign is delivered. This is called the attribution window. The attribution window should be 1 Hour minimum.

  9. Click on Update to save your settings. You can continue setting up the journey as usual.

Info: Read more about configuring a Journey

How is a conversion attributed to a Journey /Journey Campaign?

When a contact performs a conversion event within the attribution window, that conversion will be attributed to the last campaign/ last touch with which the contact has interacted. The last touch can be either an open event or a click event. 

If the contact does not perform the conversion goal or performs it outside the attribution window, the conversion is not recorded.

Please go through the following examples to understand how conversion attribution works for different types of campaigns. 

Case 1: Single campaign

For example, Consider the below Journey

Assume the journey's goal is 'Order Placed' with an attribution window of '3 hours'. Now, the contact enters the journey at 5:00 PM, and an SMS is delivered at 5:10 PM. Here, the attribution window is 5:10 PM to 8:10 PM

Suppose the contact clicks or opens the campaign (clicks will be tracked only if the URL shortener option is enabled) and performs an 'Order placed' event within the above time window, a conversion will be recorded against the SMS campaign and the specific Journey.

So if the contact places an order at 6:45 PM. The total journey conversion will be 1, and the total SMS campaign conversion will be 1.

Case 2: Multiple campaigns in a single journey

Assume the above journey's goal is 'Order Placed' with an attribution window of '3 hours.'  

Let's say, the contact did not place an order after clicking the SMS campaign. After 2 hours of delay blocking, the contact entered the WhatsApp block, and at 7:10 PM, the WhatsApp message was delivered. Here, the attribution window for the WhatsApp campaign will be 7:10 PM to 10:10 PM. Now, the contact reads the WhatsApp message and places an order at 7:15.

Even though the attribution window of SMS is 3 hours, since the conversion happened after the contact read the WhatsApp campaign, the conversion will be attributed to the WhatsApp campaign and will not be attributed to the SMS campaign.

Case 2a: Multiple campaigns in a single journey

Assume the above journey's goal is 'Order Placed' with an attribution window of '3 hours.'

Now, the contact enters the journey at 5:00 PM, and an SMS was delivered at 5:10 PM. Here, the attribution window for SMS  is 5:10 PM to 8:10 PM. Assume in the above journey, the contact did not place an order after clicking the SMS campaign. After 2 hours of delay block, the contact entered the WhatsApp block and at 7:10 PM, the WhatsApp message was delivered.

Here, the attribution window for the WhatsApp campaign will be 7:10 PM to 10:10 PM. Now, the contact reads the WhatsApp message and does not place an order. At 8:00 PM, the contacts click on the first SMS campaign and place an order.

Since the conversion happened after the contact clicked the SMS campaign, the conversion will be attributed to the SMS campaign. But instead of 8:00 PM, if the contact places an order at 8:30 PM, the conversion will be attributed to the WhatsApp campaign as the attribution window of the SMS campaign is over at 8:10 PM.

Case 3: Multiple Journeys with different attribution windows

Assume Journey 1 has 'Order Placed' event as the goal and attribution window of 3 hrs. Journey 2 also has 'Order Placed' event as the goal and attribution window of 1 hr.

Now the contact enters both journeys at 10:00 AM and receives SMS from journey 1 and Email from Journey 2.

The attribution window for SMS will be 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. The attribution window for email will be 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM.

Assume the contact clicks SMS at 10:01 and clicks email at 10:02. If the contact performs 'Order placed' event at 10:15, the conversion will be attributed to the Journey 2 email campaign.

Attribution Types

Attribution type is the channel-level criteria for attributing a conversion event to the campaign.

There are two attribution types in Freshmarketer.

Click through: If the goal completion happened after clicking a campaign link

View through: If the goal completion happened after opening a campaign

Campaign typeAttribition windowConversion type
EmailStarts when the email is delivered

Click-through if the last event is ‘click’

View-through if the last event is ‘open’

WhatsAppStarts when the message is delivered

Click-through if the last event is ‘click’

View-through if the last event is ‘read’

SMSStarts when the message is sent

View-through if the last event is ‘sent’

Total conversions vs unique conversions

If the same contact has completed a goal, say Goal 1 two times, then the total conversions for the journey will be 2 and the unique count will be 1.

If the user edits Goal 1, and if the contact completes the Goal 1 again later, the unique count will not increase as the contact has already performed that goal ID.

But if the user deletes a goal and adds a new goal with the same event, the subsequent event will be considered a unique conversion as the goal ID is different from the previous one.

You can view the total conversions of each journey on the journey list page.