is a reviews and loyalty platform for e-commerce. It helps establish brand credibility by building trust and giving customers a voice. It's a top-rated marketing platform featuring all the tools needed to capture and showcase high-impact product reviews.

How to integrate with Freshmarketer

  • Navigate to the Freshworks marketplace and search for the reviews app

  • Click "Install" to add the app to your Freshmarketer account
  • In the app settings, enter your Private API key. You can obtain this key by going to the Admin Dashboard → Settings → API Keys → API Private Key
  • Enter your Store Hash. You can find this by navigating to the Admin Dashboard → Settings → API Keys → Store Hash

  • Click "Authenticate Account and Save" to complete the installation

What are the benefits of the Freshmarketer & Integration?

The integration of Freshmarketer with brings a new level of customer engagement to your eCommerce business. This powerful combination allows you to automate and personalize the post-purchase experience, turning one-time buyers into loyal customers. Here's what you can achieve with the Freshmarketer and integration:

Analyze Customer Feedback

With's robust review system, you can easily analyze the feedback given by your customers. This can help you identify the strengths and weaknesses of your products, allowing you to make necessary improvements and deliver a better product experience.

Automate Engagement Based on Reviews

The integration allows you to automate engagement (SMS, Email, WhatsApp) based on the reviews received. For instance, if a customer gives a 2-star review, an automated response can be triggered, asking them about the issues they faced with the product. This shows customers that you care about their experience and are willing to make improvements.

On the other hand, if a customer gives a 5-star review, you can send them a discount coupon as a token of appreciation. This not only encourages repeat purchases but also fosters customer loyalty.

Deliver a Great Post-Purchase Experience

By integrating Freshmarketer with, you can deliver a great post-purchase experience that goes beyond just selling products. By actively seeking and responding to customer feedback, you can build stronger relationships with your customers and turn them into brand advocates.

In conclusion, the Freshmarketer and integration offers a powerful way to enhance your e-commerce business. It allows you to automate and personalize the post-purchase experience, leading to improved customer satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately, increased sales.