Back in stock journey emails help you send automated alerts to interested customers about restocked products they were interested in. You can send personalized messages with additional information about the product including the image and description using these emails. In this article, we take you through setting up the back in stock email both from the Journey Emails and the Customer Journeys modules. 

From Journey Emails Module:

  • Go to Marketing Automation > Journey Emails

  • Click on Create journey email. 

  • Pick a template from the 150+ ready-made templates available in the application or click on Create from scratch.
  • Once you select the template or the layout that matches your needs, you can add the back in stock block to your email from the content section of your right panel.
  • Click on Configure to select the information you want to display about the product.
  • You can add the image, title, description, product type, price, and comparison price to your email. Select the information you want to add to the email by clicking on them. 
  • Add a discount coupon if any to your email.
  • You can choose to add a button below the product. Format the button by modifying the button text, color, style, borders etc.
  • Add the content for the rest of the email and click on Save and next
  • Fill in the details such as the subject line and preheader
  • Click on Publish. Your back in stock email is now ready to use.

From Customer Journeys Module:

  • Go to Marketing Automation > Customer Journeys

  • If you have already created the journey for back in stock email, select the journey and click on Edit.
  • If you have not set up the journey yet, read this article: how to set up automated back in stock email journey.
  • Click on Choose your email on the Send email action block in the journey.
  • A pop-up will appear to either choose journey email or create journey email.
  • Click on Create journey email to set up the back-in-stock email. This will take you to the email editor.
  • Follow the same steps mentioned in the above section to create the back-in-stock email.

You are now ready to send back-in-stock notifications via email.