Reports are a collection of widgets that allow you to analyze the performance of your team and business. You can use the readily available curated reports or build a custom report.

This article provides details on the various options that allow you to edit or customize the reports.

Role/User Requirements: Admin, Supervisor, Account Admin.

This article contains the following sections:

  1. Editing a Report
  2. Editing a Widget
  3. Adding Metrics
  4. Adding Filters
  5. Sharing Reports/Changing Visibility
  6. Scheduling Reports/Widgets
  7. Exporting Reports

Editing a Report

You can edit a report to add more widgets, change the layout, visualization, or apply filters. However, to edit a curated report, you must first clone the report.

 At a report level, you can:

  • Change the format of all report/widgets to have a unified layout (canvas size, display mode, etc.)
  • Change the style of the report (background color, opacity, etc.)
  • Apply the same filters across all widgets in a report for more profound insights
  • Clone a report
  • Remove/delete a report

 To edit a report:

  1. Navigate to the Analytics Home page, and select the report you want to edit.
  2. To switch to the editing mode, click on the Viewing option on the top right corner.
  3. Click on the three dots next to the report name to: 
    • Edit the title and change the visibility
    • Clone the report
      Note: To edit or reuse a curated, you must first clone the report.
    • Delete the report
  4. To add more widgets to your report, click on the Add Widget icon.
  5. To apply common filters to all the widgets at once, click on the filter icon. For more information on adding filters, see Add Filters section below.
  6. To change the style of your report, click on the Format icon. For example, you can change the background color of the report, change the opacity, etc. For more details on applying styles to your reports, check out this article
  7. To change the format of all widgets at one instance, click on the format (wheel) icon, and select the layout of your choice. For more details, on changing the format of your reports, check out this article.  

Editing a Widget

To edit a widget:

  1. Navigate to the Analytics Home page, and select the report.
  2. Within the report, hover over the widget you want to edit and click on the edit widget icon. The widget opens in the work area.
  3. Click on the three dots next to the widget name to: 
    • Rename the widget
    • Clone the widget
  4. View Underlying Data

    To see all data in the widget, click on Show underlying data. Additionally, if you want to see more data, click on the settings icon. Select the columns you want to add to the table and click Apply.

  5. Change Visualisation
    To change the widget's visualisation, click on the visualization drop-down, and select your preferred choice.
    The options are:
  6. You can add metrics, filters or change the style of each widget. 

Adding Metrics

  1. Click on the Configure icon to customize how the data is displayed. For example, the widget below shows the total number of calls by call type for the last 30 days. Check out this article to view the list of metrics that you can use on your reports.
  2. Now, you can configure this widget to view the total number of calls along with the duration spent for each type of call. To do this, select the Duration metric. Additionally, you can also select how you want to view this data. If you want to view the sum, average, maximum, or minimum time spent on the calls.
  3. Once you finish the selection, click Apply.

Adding Filters

Filters are dimensions or metrics that you can apply on a report or a widget to further drill-down the data represented.  Freshcaller provides two sets of filters - Basic and Advanced. By default, all reports and widgets show you data for the last 30 days. This means a default filter of time period is in the last 30 days is applied to all reports and widgets.

Check out this article to view the list of filters that you can add to your reports.

To add a filter:

  1. Select the widget or report for which you want to apply filters.
  2. Click on the filter icon from the left panel.
  3. You can see that by default, the basic filter is applied. Click on the Filters drop-down to switch to Advanced Filters.
  4. Select or enter the filters you want to apply.
    advancedMatch drop-down, select the filter conditions to be matched. The conditions you can apply are All and Any.
  5. advanced

The reports are intuitive and show filter options and conditions only if the data corresponds to the condition in the time period selected.

Example: Assume that you want to see the call distribution by teams for the last 30 days. 

While applying the Type filter, if you do not see the Abandoned calls listed, it means for the last 30 days, there were no abandoned calls. These reports list only the conditions which have some data around them. 

  • All filter conditions work only as AND conditions. 

  • Historical data is not synced. Only data from 10th September 2018 will be used in our reports.

Sharing Reports/Changing Visibility

You can share the reports you create with other team members in your account. When you create a custom report or edit an existing report, you can change the report's visibility and make it accessible for others. 

To view the shared reports, go to Analytics home page, click on All reports, and select Shared reports.

Scheduling Reports/Widgets

Schedule reports/widgets and send them to your team members or yourself daily, monthly, or weekly.

Note:  Only Pro or Enterprise customers cann schedule reports.
  1. Click on the Schedule icon at the top of the reports or widget.
  2. You can schedule a report to be sent daily, weekly, or monthly.
    With a weekly or monthly schedule, you can also specify the interval at which you want to receive the reports. For example, if you want the report to be sent to you on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, choose 'weekly' in the dropdown and pick the days of the week that work for you.
  3. Enter the list of recipients you want to send the reports.
  4. Select the format of the report you want to send. The options are PDF or CSV of graph data, CSV of tabular data, or graph pdf + tabular CSV.
  5. Click Save.
  6. You can view the list of schedules on the Analytics home page. Click on the All Reports drop-down, and select Schedules.

Exporting Reports

You can export data from a report/widget. The exported data will be sent to your registered mail id.

Click on the export button at the top of the report or widget.

If you are exporting the widget, you will have the option to export the widget data as a PDF or CSV.