Freshcaller provides a set of curated reports to help you get started. However, you can also create a custom report from scratch.

To create a new report:

  1. Log in to your Freshcaller account and click on the Reports icon from the left panel.

  2. Click New Report.

  3. Enter the report name and set the visibility. You can choose the report to be visible to everyone or only to you.
    Note: The visibility cannot be changed later. If you want to change the access permissions for a report later, you have to clone it and save the cloned report with the new access permissions.

  1. Click Create. The following screen (work area) appears where you can drag and drop widgets. You can change the visualization and customize the layout of your reports/widgets.

  2. To add widgets, click on the Add widget icon on the left panel. You can add widgets in the following ways:

    • New: Create a report with your own set of widgets using the available metrics. Select the type of visualization you want for the report.

    • Existing: Create reports using the set of widgets from existing reports. You can choose between a chart or a text widget.

    • Templates: Create a report using the default widgets. You can pick a widget that works best to represent your metrics.

  3. Drag and drop the widget to the empty work area.

  4. Hover over the widget to see additional options available.

    • Edit widget: Click this icon to edit the report. For more details, see Working With Reports.

    • Edit style: Click this icon to change the widget style. For example, you can change the background color, border style, or width of the widget. 

    • Click on the three dots to clone, change the visualization, order, or remove the widget.

  5. Once you finish adding the necessary widgets, click Save.