The Freshcaller integration lets you handle calls, follow-up with issues and monitor call performance right from Freshchat. 

In this article, we’ll explore the Freshcaller installation and agent experience on Freshchat. 


1. This functionality is only available for Freshchat accounts signed up after June 27, 2022 on the Growth plan and above.
2. Customers can only choose equivalent plans on both Freshchat and Freshcaller. For example, if you are on the Pro plan of Freshchat, you’ll only be able to choose the Pro plan of Freshcaller.

3. Only one telephony provider can be used at once. If you have configured your own telephony along with Freshcaller, then your telephony provider will take precedence over Freshcaller.

This article contains the following sections,

Integrating Freshchat with Freshcaller

Admins can integrate Freshcaller with Freshchat by performing the following steps:

  1. Go to Settings on the left navigation bar and click on “Phone” under the Channels section. 

  2. Choose Freshcaller from the list of phone channel providers and click on “Buy Add On”. This step would lead you to the purchase page where Freshcaller will be available as an add on. 

  3. You may then choose the number of add-on licenses you’d like to purchase and complete your purchase. However, its important to note that the number of add-on licenses cannot be greater than the number of Freshchat agent licenses. 

1. The plans on Freshchat and Freshcaller need to correspond with one another. For example, a customer on the Pro plan of Freshchat can only buy the Pro plan add-on of Freshcaller. 

2. Please bear in mind that you may install only one phone app at a time.

Agent experience with the Freshcaller integration

Start a new call

  • Agents can start a new call by using the keypad or from the People tab by selecting a contact. 

  • When the call is connected, a new conversation is created and the agent is redirected to the Inbox with that conversation open. 

  • Once the call has ended, the chat bubble displays the details of the call with the call recording and an option to download the call recording. 

In-call actions

Agents can perform action from within the widget itself. The list of actions are as follows:

  • Place a call on hold and mute

  • Pause a call recording

  • Add call notes

  • Transfer a call to another agent/supervisor (Warm/Cold Transfer)

  • Add other agents/supervisors to an ongoing call

  • Assign calls

Actions such as adding call notes as private notes can be performed from the Inbox even after a call has ended. 

Receiving Calls

  • When agents are on the inbox page or on any other page while they receive a call and answer it, a new conversation is created for the call and the agent is redirected to the inbox with that conversation open. 

  • Agents can view the contact by clicking on the “View Contact” button on the Freshcaller widget which opens the Freshchat contact page on a new tab. 

  • Once the call has ended, the chat bubble indicates the details of the call and provides the recording of the call that the agent can play from within the Freshchat window.

  • While on the call, agents can add private notes which appear as Private Notes on the Freshchat conversation inbox when the call has ended.

Missed calls

  • All missed calls will appear on the Conversation Inbox with the label “Missed Call”. 

  • Agents will also be provided with an option to call the customer back from the same window. 

Call Transfers, Parallel Calls and Conference Calls

  • With Freshcaller, agents can transfer calls, and also initiate parallel calls and conference calls. All of these actions can also be performed from within the Freshcaller widget in Freshchat. 

  • Freshcaller supports warm and cold call transfer mechanisms. 

  • To perform any of the above actions, please click on the “Phone” icon in the caller widget. Upon clicking the widget, the options for Warm Transfer, Cold Transfer, Parallel Calling and Add To Conference are displayed.

  • To do a Warm Transfer, please click on the “Warm Transfer” option to the group you wish to transfer the call to.

    As the call is transferred to an agent in the group of the agent’s choice, the customer is put on hold while the primary agent transfers context to the other agent. Once the call is transferred to the other agent, the agent would receive the customer’s incoming call. 

    Once the call has ended, the chat bubble indicates the details of the call and provides the recording of the call that the agent can play from within the Freshchat window.

  • To do a Cold Transfer, please click on the “Cold Transfer” option to the group you wish to transfer the call to.  

     Once the call is transferred to the other agent, the agent would receive the customer’s incoming call. 

    Once the call has ended, the chat bubble indicates the details of the call and provides the recording of the call that the agent can play from within the Freshchat window.

  • To organise a Parallel Call, please click on the “Parallel Calling” option to the group you wish to have a parallel call with. 

    During the parallel call, the individual who is not being spoken to will be put on hold. Users can also initiate a conference call with the one the parallel call was ongoing. 

  • To organise a Conference Call, please click on the “Conference Call” option and add the individuals you’d like to add to the call.

Call Merge

  • To merge two calls, click on the button with 3 vertical dots and choose the “Merge Calls” option. 

  • While on the call, agents can add private notes which appear as Private Notes on the Freshchat conversation inbox when the call has ended.

Push To Queue

  • To push a call to a certain queue, click on the button with 3 vertical dots, choose the “Push To Queue” option and choose the queue to forward the call to 

  • While on the call, agents can add private notes which appear as Private Notes on the Freshchat conversation inbox when the call has ended. 

Voicemail Drop

  • To drop a voicemail, click on the button with 3 vertical dots, choose the "Voicemail Drop" option and choose the right voicemail you wish to send across. 

CSAT Survey

  • Agents can seek CSAT surveys from their customers with the Freshchat-Freshcaller integration. 

  • The customer would then be put through an elaborate IVR flow to record their experience. The flow is elaborated in this article.

Mobile Experience

In order to provide a seamless “anywhere, anytime” engagement, Freshchat also allows agents to access conversations from the Freshchat mobile app. However, a few points to keep in mind:

  1. The Freshchat mobile app is only accessible for agent actions such as answering responding to conversations, viewing conversations, adding notes, changing status etc. All admin level settings can only be accessed from the web version.

  2. The expected web behavior of grouping conversations across different channels from the same customer in the same feed does not occur in the mobile experience . In other words, if a customer reaches out via web chat and phone, they’d appear as two separate conversations in the Freshchat mobile app and not grouped under the customer’s name.

  3. While phone conversations can be viewed from within the Freshchat mobile app, making and taking calls will need to be done from the phone application, which in this case, is Freshcaller. For example, if an agent is working on a conversation from the Freshchat mobile application and the agent receives a call, the call will be received normally just as any other phone call.

  4. Once the call ends, the agent will see that the same call appears in the Freshchat App as a call recording if the call recording functionality is enabled. Agents can hear the call  by clicking the agent  “Play” button. Agents will also have the ability to download the call recording from within the conversation inbox.

  5. Agents will also have a similar experience with voicemails. All voicemails will be visible as links in the Freshchat mobile application with their recording fragments.

  6. All notes added while on call will be added as a private note on Freshchat after the call has ended.