With Freshchat’s Telephony Partner Extension with Amazon Connect, you can bring your Aircall account into Freshchat to meet all your customer support needs. With this integration, you can:

  • Extend phone accessibility and offer conversational experiences across traditional and modern channels
  • Enhance agent productivity
  • Empower admins to optimize processes
Note: This functionality is only available for accounts signed up after Dec 31, 2022 on Pro and Enterprise plan.

This article contains the following sections:

  1. Integrating Freshchat with Amazon Connect
  2. Fetching Amazon Connect Instance URL
  3. Whitelisting Domains in Amazon Connect
  4. Enable Call Recording
  5. Agent experience with the Amazon Connect integration

Integrating Freshchat with Amazon Connect

Here's a video walkthrough of the Amazon Connect-Freshchat Integration,


Admins can integrate Amazon Connect with Freshchat by performing the following steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Channels >Phone
  2. Select Amazon Connect from the phone channel providers list to navigate to the Amazon Connect page on the Freshchat Marketplace. 
  3. Click Install again. Note that only one phone app can be installed at a time. 
  4. Provide your Freshchat Domain and API Key. Find your Freshchat Domain from the URL bar, and go to Settings > Admin Settings > API > APIs to find your Freshchat API. 
  5. Provide your CRM API Key and click Install. To get your CRM API Key, click on User profile > Settings>API Settings>Your API Key.
  6. Enter the Amazon Connect Instance URL from your account.
  7. Once validated & installed, click Amazon Connect to load the widget. 
  8. Enter your username and password. The Amazon Connect agent widget is now set and ready to use.
Note: Update Mobile Number as the Unique field instead of Email in Freshworks Contacts for creating conversations in Freshchat.

Fetching Amazon Connect Instance URL

  1. Open the AWS console and search for Amazon Connect service.
  2. On the Instances page, click the Amazon Connect Instance Alias you wish to configure.
  3. The Access URL is your Amazon Connect Instance URL. Ensure the instance is updated to the latest domain.
    Old Domain Name:https://instance-name.awsapps/com/connect
    New Domain:https://instance-name.my.connect.aws
  4. If your domain name is not up to date, click the link below to update it in your Amazon Connect Instance:

Whitelisting Domains in Amazon Connect

To whitelist domains in Amazon Connect:

  1. Open the AWS Connect Instance Setup Page> Approved Origins tab.
  2. Whitelist the following domains
    1. https://d3o06btwlgv20m.cloudfront.net (Same for all users)
    2. Freshworks CTI Cloudfront URL: https://d3h0owdjgzys62.cloudfront.net (Same for all users)
    3. Freshworks URL, Example: https://sandeza-inc-632154267669228137.myfreshworks.com

Enable Call Recording

To enable call recording, follow the steps in the Amazon Connect documentation.

Agent experience with the Amazon Connect integration

Start a new call

  • Use the keypad or select a contact from the People tab to start a call
  • After connecting, Freshchat creates a new conversation and redirects you to the Inbox with this conversation open
  • When the call ends, find the details and recording in the chat bubble

In-call actions

The following actions can be performed from within the widget:

  • Place a call on hold and mute
  • Automatic call recording
  • Add call notes
  • Add other agents/supervisors to an ongoing call(conference) via quick connects

Actions such as adding call notes as private notes can be performed from the Inbox even after a call has ended.

Receiving Calls

  • When receiving a call, Freshchat creates a new conversation and redirects you to the Inbox with this conversation open
  • Click on View Contact on the Amazon Connect widget to open Freshchat contact page
  • When the call ends, find the call details and recording in the chat bubble
  • Add private notes on the Amazon Connect widget while on call. When the call ends, find them as Private Notes in the Freshchat conversation inbox

Missed calls and Voicemails

  • Freshchat assigns incoming calls from Amazon Connect based on logged-in timestamp.
  • Agents have a callback option to initiate a return call within the conversation fragment.
  • The integration does not support voicemails.