For trial accounts, we have an email limit of 100 emails. This ensures businesses maintain IP quality and reduces spam emails. To increase the email limit, businesses must move to the paid account. 

To activate your outgoing email and improve your email deliverability, you must fill in the business verification form and add your email-sending domain. Once you verify your domain, the email limit will be applied per the plan you opted for. Here is how you verify your domain.

  • Click on the verify your organization link in the banner at the top of your home page.

  • In the form that opens up, fill in the following information:
    • Website URL
    • Information about your business and how you plan to use the CRM
    • Current subscribers status (Yes or No)
    • How you plan to increase your subscriber base (Choose the options that are relevant for your business)
    • Once you submit the form, a ticket will be created after the user verifies the email-sending domain. Our support agent will review the information and confirm your domain's verification. 

  • The review process takes 24-48 hours.
  • If the verification is successful, the email outgoing feature will be enabled.
  • If the verification is a failure, you will receive an email from our support team.