The web application ensures a reliable email deliverability rate for your sales and marketing emails. Here's how:

  1. Blacklist check - Most mailbox providers (e.g., Yahoo! Mail,, Gmail, AOL Mail, Po box) look to an anti-spam database for blacklisted IP addresses that send out spam emails. That’s how an email is instinctively marked as spam. Our engineers monitor the web application's IPs continuously from getting Blacklisted by anti-spam.

  2. High Reputation- Email service providers are scored based on the recipient’s response to emails sent, how frequently recipients unsubscribe or report spam. The higher the reputation, the better is the sender’s deliverability.

    The web application’s sender score from ReturnPath, the trusted standard for email deliverability.

  3. IP Pooling - A shared IP is used to send emails by more than one sender. Your email deliverability can be affected by other senders sharing the same IP for poor black-hat marketing. The web application has separate IPs for paid and free customers to ensure a higher reputation for premium accounts. Bulk emails are separated from transactional emails to protect the reputation of the email sender.

  4. Dropped Emails - Whenever an email falls under one of these categories– Not subscribed, Unsubscribed, Reported as Spam, or Bounced– the web application stops outbound emails to these addresses and automatically blocks them as recipients on future emails. This prevents future bounces and protects your email reputation. Similarly, it also actively stops sending emails to suppression lists. SendGrid, the email client through which the web application’s emails are sent maintains a suppression list to which emails cannot be sent. The suppression list consists of three types of email addresses:

  • Recipients who’ve marked DND

  • Email addresses that are Bounced, blocked, or invalid addresses

  • Spam email addresses: Whenever a campaign is run, the web application matches the recipient's email addresses with the suppression list and drops the emails that are a part of the list.

What should you do to have high email deliverability?

  1. Add DKIM and SPF email signatures to your domain - Say you send emails from the web application with your sales email as the ‘From’ address, when recipients receive your emails, their spam filters automatically poke your email domain to see if the web application is authorized to send emails on your behalf. Adding these two effective email signatures indicates that the web application has your permission to send emails.

  2. Clean up your Junk contacts - Not every mailing list that we use contains the perfect set of target customers. Filter contacts created by fake signups using the bounced email status. A segment of them would have never logged in. They are fairly new subscribers and show zero interest right after their subscription. Remove those inactive users by last contacted time. Filter your junk contacts with bounced email status. Inactive users by last contacted time.

  3. Carefully Qualify your subscribers - On your mailer list, you see a lot of junk contacts with same credentials repeating. Yes, they are duplicates and surely hinder your email deliverability reports. So, ensure there are no duplicates before sending emails. Sort by name to get a quick glance of duplicates in the list which you can bulk delete.

How can you measure your email deliverability rate?

After everything is set for a good email reputation, it’s time for you to now measure your email deliverability rate. Unfortunately, you have no clue of the destination of that email, if it made its way to the inbox or was it removed as spam.

Open rate is one reliable metric to know if the mail was at least noticed by your contacts. For anyone to click and read the actual content, the mail has to be opened in the first place. Typically, if you are seeing consistent open rates of 25% and all of a sudden you see a drop to less than 10%, this can indicate that very few people received your mail while others were blocked by spam filters.

How do you calculate your open rate?

Open rate always refers to the number of ‘unique’ opens. In layman terms, this gives you the percentage of emails that were opened with respect to the no. of sent emails.



            Open rate =             No. of unique opens


                                (No. of emails sent - No. of Bounces)

For good deliverability try and keep your no. of Bounces as low as possible. 

Striking a good or bad open rate depends on the frequency of your mails, at what time of the day it’s sent and how Qualified the recipients are. Open rates for B2C companies are higher compared to B2B companies. At an average, it ranges from 20% for Saas and 25% for E-commerce.

Try to ensure that you are clearing bounced/invalid records from your instance so that the bounce rate is under the liumit.