Supported file format.CSV/ .XLSX only. Please convert all your files into a .CSV/.XLSX before attempting to import data in the web application. 


There are 4 important things that you'd need to know about when you import records from a .CSV/.XLSX file. They are described in detail below:

1. Preparing your import file

2. Importing the file

3. Mapping fields

4. Why did some of my data not get imported? (Reasons for failure of data import)

1. Preparing your import file

  • Make sure that your import file's header row has columns that can be mapped to the fields.

  • The file shouldn't be larger than 5MB.

  • If you'd like to automatically assign the records to users in the web application, create a column with the email addresses of the users and map that column to the field Owner.

    Note: The email address must be the email address that the user uses to sign in to the web application. 

  • Create relevant custom fields before you begin the import so that the columns can be mapped with the appropriate fields.
    If any field is a multi-select field, the values of the field should be separated by semicolon(;) in the .CSV file. Ex: Say the field, Amenities involved is a multi-select field. Amenities column in the .CSV should be:

    Name of the property


    221B Baker Street

    Balcony; High ceiling; Centralized Ventilation 

    13B Royal Crest

    Balcony; Centralized Ventilation

2. Importing the file

Once you've uploaded a CSV file, choose one of two options 

  • Add as new records - This turns all the data from the CSV file as new records in the web application and does not look for duplicates.

  • Find duplicate records on the CSV file and update records/skip import: Identifies duplicates between the CSV file and the web application records by matching them based on the following identifier:

    • Freshworks CRM ID

Additionally, all fields of type ‘Text field’ and ‘Number’ will be automatically detected and can be used for matching. 

Decide what to do with the detected duplicates

  • Skip import for all duplicate records:

You can opt to skip import for all duplicate records. This will prevent the web application from updating records that are already present. You will also receive an import summary email with a CSV file containing all the skipped records. 

  • Update all duplicate records:

- With Overwrite: Updates all the fields and overwrites the values present in the fields.

- Without overwrite: Updates only fields that are empty.


3. Mapping fields


The Map Columns To Freshworks CRM Fields overlay that you now see is exclusively for mapping the columns in your CSV file with the fields available in the web application.

Mapping the fields is critical to the success of the import, so here’s a list of know-how to help you do it right.

  • If there are columns that you do not wish to import, you can skip those columns by simply not mapping them with any field.

  • As fields get mapped, they become unavailable for mapping with another column (Fields are distinct).

  • Lastly, make sure the field type matches the type of value in the column. For example, if you’re trying to map the column Number of Rooms, you need to find a field that accepts numeric value viz the Number field. If you’ve mapped it to a field which is a text box, then the values for the column Number of Rooms will not be imported in the web application.

  • After you’re done mapping the fields, hit Import.

  • If your CSV file is small, the import will be instantaneous and you can see a green label that gives you the number of successful imports. If the CSV file is large, you will be taken to the import progress screen where you can see the progress of your imports.


4. Why did some of my data not get imported? (Reasons for failure of data import)

When importing records, these are the possible reasons for the failure of data import:

  • Unmapped Columns - Columns that aren’t mapped with any of the fields in the web application.

  • Improper Field Type - If the field type is different from the type of value in the column.

  • Values assigned to field choices - If you’re mapping a column with values for field choices (such as Radio button/Checkbox/Drop down menu) with a field in the web application (also a picklist), double-check the values in the column to ensure that they match with the appropriate field choices.

    For e.g: If you’ve got a column that has the values 1, 2, 3 for the Number of Rooms and want to map it to a radio button (field) in the web application, make sure that that radio button has 1, 2, 3 as the field’s choices.