When you have different accounts created for the same firm, it becomes difficult to track their correspondence over time. You may not want to delete the records you’ve created for these accounts, as some might have data you could use in the future, even if they aren’t active. At times like these, you can merge your accounts into one primary account with the data from all the merged accounts.
Here’s how you do it,
- From the Accounts module, select the accounts that you’d like to merge. You can merge a maximum of 25 accounts at a time.
- In the Merge Accounts overlay, choose an account that you’d like to retain in the web application.
- The account you choose is the Primary record, and all the other accounts become Secondary records.
- The data from the primary record is retained.
- If the primary record has blank fields, then the data from the secondary records is filled in those fields.
- The secondary records are then deleted permanently.
4. Click Merge to merge the accounts.
Accounts, once merged, cannot be split into their individual records.
What happens after I merge the accounts?
To help you understand
merge works, here’s a list of all the account properties that get updated,
1. Account fields - The primary record is retained with its values. If the primary record has blank fields, then the values of the most recently updated secondary record is filled. However, the following account fields are updated as follows,
- Created at - The date of the oldest record (primary or secondary) created.
- Updated at - The date when the accounts are merged.
- Territory - If the primary record does not belong to any territory, it is then run against all the auto-assignment rules in your account and added to the respective territory.
- Related contacts - If the primary record does not have any related contacts of its own, then the related contacts of the most recently modified secondary record gets merged with the primary record.
2. Appointments & Tasks - The appointments and tasks of all the secondary records is merged with the primary record.
3. Deals - The deals of all the secondary records are merged with the primary record.
4. Conversations - All conversations, inclusive of phone calls and voicemails, of the secondary records, are associated with the primary record.
5. Activities Timeline - The activities of all the secondary records are merged with the primary record.