The "@mentions" view ensures that no mentions go unnoticed, even if notifications are missed. This feature is for teams who frequently collaborate to address customer inquiries.

Key aspects of filtering by mentions

  1. Agents can be mentioned in conversations even if a thread is not created by the agent who is tagging them.

  1. By selecting ‘My mentions’ from the hamburger menu next to ‘Assigned to me, ' agents can see all the conversations in which they have been mentioned.

  1. Agents can filter by read and unread messages.

  1. Agents will be taken to the exact message they’ll click, even though more messages have been received in that particular conversation.

Key benefits of the "@mentions" view

- Increased visibility: Agents can access all the conversations and threads they have been tagged in, ensuring they stay updated on relevant discussions and inquiries.

- Organization: The view allows agents to mark conversations where they have been mentioned as unread, helping them stay organized and ensuring important messages are not overlooked or forgotten.

- Team collaboration: Agents can easily loop teammates into conversations, allowing them to address issues quickly and efficiently.

- Filtering and sorting: The view provides options to filter and sort conversations based on status, helping agents prioritize and manage their workload more effectively.