The agent inbox enhancements is aimed at providing agents with enhanced accessibility, modularity, and increased workspace in the reply editor. These enhancements are designed to optimize the use of space within the Freshchat inbox, making it easier for agents  to organize their messages and work more efficiently.

It provide agents with the option to maximize the workspace for composing and reviewing messages. This can help agents focus on their responses without distractions.

Here's the list of enhancements:

Enhancement 1

Rename Conversation Card titles in Conversation Switch

The "Rename Conversation Card" feature allows agents to change the title of each card of the conversations. This is useful when multiple conversations have the same title or when a user wants to give a more descriptive or specific name to a conversation.

How to change the Conversation Card Titles?


1. Locate the conversation card: Find the conversation card in the inbox that you want to change the title for.

2. Access the options: Look for the three dots on the conversation card. This icon typically represents  additional options or actions related to the conversation.

3. Click on the three dots: Click on the three dots icon to open a drop-down menu with  actions for that conversation.

4. Select "Rename conversation": From the drop-down menu, choose the option that says "Rename conversation." This action will allow you to change the title of the conversation.

5. Enter the new title: A window will appear where you can input the new title that you want for the conversation. Type in the desired title in the provided text field.

Enhancement 2

Expand, collapse and hover experience in the left pane

The left pane can now be expanded, collapsed, or hovered over for a more versatile user experience. This new enhancement allows users to minimize the left pane but still remains dynamic and displays the latest conversation at the top. 

The minimized left pane helps provide a wider workspace and a larger reply editor, which is convenient for agents when responding to emails and chats. As a result, the inbox becomes more modular and flexible.

Expand Left Pane

Collapse Left Pane

Hover Experience - When the left pane is collapsed, users can utilize the hover feature to open conversations or explore sorting and filters.

Enhancement 3

Filters for the Conversation Switch

The Filters for Conversation Switch helps narrow down or refine the display of conversations.

The first filter option, "Filter by topic," allows agents  to sort their conversations based on topics. For example, a user can choose to view all conversations from WhatsApp or Instagram, or from a specific web-based platform. 

In the case of WhatsApp, the filter can also be used to display conversations with a specific mobile number.


The second filter option, "Filter by Status," allows agents to sort their conversations based on their status, such as Open, Resolved, or others. This helps users to quickly identify which conversations require their attention and which ones have already been addressed or resolved. 

Depending on the status selected, the conversations will be either displayed or hidden from the list of conversations.