Note: If you have signed up for your account after 24 April 2023, please visit the following article: Configuring agent extension call flow

Adding agent extensions to your call workflow enables your callers to reach specific agents of choice directly without navigating an IVR.

  1. Login to the web application.

  2. Go to Admin Settings > Channels > Phone > Call Workflows.

  3. Click on the Agent Extension Flow option.

  4. Agent Extension Flow Name: Enter a name for the call flow.

  5. Play Message: Select a message to initiate the agent extension call flow. The web application provides a set of default voice messages. You can select this message or create a new message.

  6. Call Handling Rules: Select the fallback actions to perform for each rule in the call flow. The rules are:

    • If the agent is not available: Select the fallback action to take if the agent with extension number is not available to attend the calls. Check step 7 to see the fallback options available.

    • If the agent is available but not answering: Select the fallback action to take if the agent with extension number is online/available but still does not answer the call. Check step 7 to see the fallback options available.
      You can also configure how long the phone should ring before taking appropriate action.

    • If the agent is busy: Select the fallback action to take if the agent's extension number is busy. Check step 7 to see the fallback options available.

    • If customer does not give input: Select the message to play if the customer who is calling does not enter any extension number. You can select the default messages available or you can create a custom message.

    • If the customer gives an invalid input: Select the message to play if the customer who is calling enters an incorrect extension number. You can select the default messages available or you can create a custom message.

    • After N Repeats: For rules d and e, select the number of times you want to repeat the message to the customer. Also, choose the action to perform after repeating the message for “n” times. Check step 7 to see the fallback options available.

    • If the customer presses*: Select the fallback action to perform if the caller presses *. Check step 7 to see the fallback options available.

  7. For each call handling rule mentioned in step 6, select the fallback actions to take. The options are:

    • Send to call queue: Select this option to send your customer to a call queue. You can select from the list of call queues that are already available in your account or create a new call queue.

    • Send to Voicemail: Select this option to play a prerecorded voice message to your customers. You can select from the list of messages that are already available in your account or create a new message.

    • Send to IVR: Select this option to send your customer to a second IVR tree. You can select from the list of IVRs that are already available in your account or create a new IVR tree.

    • Hangup: Select this to hang up. Select the message to play before hanging up or create a new hangup message.

  8. Click Save.

  9. To activate the agent extension flow, assign the flow to any phone number in your account. 

Set up a number with agent extensions

  1. Go to Admin Settings > Phone > Numbers and select the number you want to map your agent extension flow to.

  2. Click on “Edit” icon and switch to the “Call Actions” tab.  Select Send to Agent extension flow.

  3. Select the name of the agent extension and “save” the changes.

Editing extension numbers

By default, a 4-digit personal extension number will be assigned to your account, which can be shared with customers. Extension numbers are useful to route callers directly to your personal number.


To view/change the extension number: 

  1. Go to Admin Settings.

  2. Click on your name on the top right corner and then click Profile Settings.

    Note: The Caller Profile Settings will be visible only when you are on any Phone Settings page (Phone Numbers, Call Flows, Voicemail Drop, etc.)

  3. You can see your personal extension number here. To change the number, edit the number. Click Save.