Edit and delete groups and sub-groups for records to make it easier to modify the field layouts.
Here’s how:
Go to Admin Settings > Leads, Contacts & Accounts > Contacts/Accounts/Custom Modules
For Deals navigate to Admin Settings > Deals & Pipelines > Deals
Hover on a group. The Edit and Delete icons associated with the group appears.
a. Edit group:
Click the edit icon present against a group. The edit group overlay appears.
To rename, change the Group name. All groups can be renamed.
You can make a group into a sub-group or vice versa based on your requirement.
Group: Leave the Nest this group under checkbox empty.
Sub-group: Enable the Nest this group under checkbox and choose a group under which it needs to appear.
Click Save.
Note: You can rearrange the sequence of the groups and sub-groups by just dragging and reordering them accordingly.
b. Delete group: Before you attempt to delete a group/sub-group, delete or move all the fields elsewhere.
Hover on a group and click the Delete icon.
Click Yes to provide confirmation and delete the group permanently.
1. Only empty groups/sub-groups can be deleted. When you attempt to delete a group containing fields, an error message pops up.
2. All groups including Basic Information and Additional Information can be renamed.
3. To delete a group or a sub-group, it needs to be empty, i.e: it should not have any fields listed under it.