Agents can now access a unified profile page applicable to ticketing and conversations in the Freshworks Customer Service Suite. This achieves seamless integration and optimizes the profile settings experience for agents within CSS.

Making Profile Attributes Applicable Across Modules

The profile attributes from Neo are extended to apply to the entire CSS platform, encompassing both the Chat and Desk modules. This ensures that agents have access to consistent information across different functionalities within CSS.

Setting Profile Attributes as Read-Only

To maintain data integrity and prevent accidental modifications, the profile attributes provided on the Freshdesk agent profile page should be set as read-only. This guarantees that the information remains accurate and authoritative.

Language and Timezone Synchronization

All languages and timezone values available in the Neo Admin Center are synchronized with the Freshdesk module. This ensures that agents can select from a comprehensive list of options without discrepancies.

API Key Accessibility

API key information is easily accessible within the profile settings page, specifically under the API section in the CRM module. 

Ticketing Signature

To align with terminology consistency and clarity, the signature feature within Freshdesk will be referred to as "Ticketing Signature". This ensures uniformity in terminology throughout the platform.