
Businesses leveraging Trustpilot to gather customer reviews from their Shopify stores can now integrate Trustpilot with Team Inbox. This integration offers chat agents direct access to customers' Trustpilot review history, enabling them to gather valuable insights directly within their workflow. This allows agents to swiftly grasp customer sentiment, specific product feedback, and personalize interactions based on this feedback.

How does the Trustpilot integration work with Team Inbox?

Whenever a customer reviews a product purchased from your Shopify online store, the Trustpilot app widget within Chat Inbox will display their recent and previous reviews. Chat Agents gain access to detailed reviews, including any images uploaded by customers, along with direct product links to your Shopify store.

How to install the Trustpilot app?

  • Navigate to Admin settings and select "Marketplace Apps" under Integrations.

  • Search for Trustpilot within the marketplace, and open the Trustpilot app.

  • Click on ‘Install’ to begin the installation process.

  • Enter your Trustpilot Business email and password to log in.

  • Once signed-in, provide your Trustpilot domain, which can be found under Trustpilot > Public Profile Setup, and verify your domain.

  • After successful verification, choose ‘Save Changes’ to complete the installation process. 

  • Upon successful installation, you will receive a confirmation notification indicating that the Trustpilot app has been successfully installed.

    Note: Complete the installation by configuring your 'Partnership Permissions' in Trustpilot. Locate this in Trustpilot Settings > Business Settings > Data Consent.

How to Access Trustpilot Reviews in Team Inbox?

The Trustpilot app seamlessly integrates with Team Inbox, enabling your agents to view a customer's recent and past product reviews directly within the chat interface.

  • Accessing Reviews: Navigate to the Trustpilot app located in the right panel on Team Inbox.

  • Reviews Synchronization:

    • Shopify Sync: If you've installed the Shopify app, customer data and reviews will automatically appear based on their email address.

    • Manual Upload: In the absence of the Shopify app, manually upload the customer's contact information. The app will then fetch reviews associated with their email address.

  • Viewing Reviews: Click on 'View all' to access a list of reviews submitted by the customer.

  • Individual Reviews: Click on any specific review within the list to access detailed information. 

    This includes the star rating, any product images uploaded by the customer, the complete review text, and a direct link to the reviewed product on your Shopify store.