With Freshchat’s Telephony Partner Extension with Five9, you can bring your Five9 account into Freshchat to meet all your customer support needs. With this integration, you can:

  • Extend phone accessibility and offer conversational experiences across traditional and modern channels
  • Enhance agent productivity
  • Empower admins to optimize processes
Note: This functionality is only available for accounts signed up after December 31, 2022 on the Pro & Enterprise plan.

This article contains the following sections:

Integrating Freshchat with Five9

Here's a video walkthrough of the Five9-Freshchat integration, 

Admins can integrate Five9 with Freshchat by performing the following steps,

  1. Go to Settings > Channels > Phone
  2. Select Five9 from the phone channel providers list to navigate to the Five9 page on the Freshchat Marketplace.
  3. Click Install. Note that only one phone app can be installed at a time.
  4. Provide your Freshchat Domain and API Key. Find your Freshchat Domain from the URL bar, and go to Settings > Admin Settings > API > APIs to find your Freshchat API
  5. Provide your CRM API Key and click Install. To get your CRM API Key, click on User profile > Settings > API Settings > Your API Key.
  6. Enable call recordings if required and provide the following Amazon S3 details,

    • Amazon S3 bucket name,

    • Amazon S3 bucket region, 

    • AWS Access Key, 

    • AWS Secret Access key

  7. Once installed, click on the Frive9 icon to load the widget.

  8. Enter your Username and Password. The Five9 agent widget is now set and ready to use.

Agent experience with the Five9 Integration

Start a new call

  • Use the keypad or select a contact from the People tab to start a call.
  • After connecting, Freshchat creates a new conversation and redirects you to the Inbox with this conversation open.
  • When the call ends, find the details and recording in the chat bubble with an option to download the recording.

In-call actions

The following actions can be performed from within the widget:

  • Place a call on hold and mute
  • Pause a call recording
  • Add call notes
  • Transfer a call to another agent/supervisor (warm/cold transfer)
  • Add other agents/supervisors to an ongoing call (conference)
  • Park calls

You can add call notes as private notes from the Inbox even after a call has ended.

Receiving Calls

  • When receiving a call, Freshchat creates a new conversation and redirects you to the Inbox with this conversation open.
  • Click on View Contact on the Five9 widget to open Freshchat contact page.
  • When the call ends, find the call details and recording in the chat bubble with an option to download the recording.
  • Add private notes on the Dialpad widget while on call. When the call ends, find them as Private Notes in the Freshchat conversation inbox.

Missed calls

  • Freshchat assigns incoming calls from Five9 based on logged-in timestamp.
  • If a call is not answered within 1 minute, it moves to next available agent. If no agent picks up, the call is transferred to the queue.

Five9 account configurations

Configure the following settings in your Five9 VCC account settings to install the Five9 app in the Freshworks CRM Marketplace:

  • Add Users to Skills
  • Create an IVR Script
  • Create DNIS for Your Account
  • Create Inbound and Outbound Campaigns
  • Configure External Recording Storage (AWS S3)

Add Users to Skills

  1. Go to VCC admin portal settings.
  2. Select the existing skills.
  3. Add the user to the skill.

Create an IVR Script

  1. Go to VCC admin portal settings and select the IVR script.
  2. Add a new IVR script.
  3. Create an IVR flow and save it.

Note: Enabling this setting allows you to receive calls in the Five9 App.

Create DNIS for Your Account

Reach out to your Five9 account manager to request DNIS enablement for your account.

Create Inbound and Outbound Campaigns

  1. Go to VCC admin portal settings.
  2. Select campaigns.
  3. Add new campaigns.
  4. Go to the IVR script section.
  5. Add the created IVR script.
  6. Go to the skills section.
  7. Add the user’s skills.
  8. Go to the DNIS section.
  9. Add the purchased DNIS number.

Configure External Recording Storage

  1. Go to the Recording section.
  2. Enter Amazon S3 bucket credentials.
  3. Choose automatic or user-controlled recording:
    1. Enable auto record calls for agent to record all calls automatically.
    2. Enable user can control call recording to allow manual recording.

Five9 Advanced Recording Setup

To enable call recordings for Five9 in Freshdesk, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Menu > Configure and open VCC Configuration.
  2. In the recording settings, choose automatic or user-controlled recording:
    1. Enable auto record calls for agent to record all calls automatically.
    2. Enable user can control call recording to allow manual recording.
  3. Go to the Export tab and open the Advanced Recordings tab.
  4. Click Add under Destinations and add the desired destination (e.g., Amazon S3).
  5. Fill in the required information under the S3 bucket and test your setup by clicking on Test.
  6. Select the appropriate time zone. Ensure the same/equivalent time zone is selected on the Freshdesk app settings page.
  7. Click on Add under the Upload Rules section.
  8. Provide the Rule name and add the rule under the Filter section.
    For example, specify to upload the call recording for any call with "handle_time" greater than 1 second.
  9. Click on Add under the Destinations and select the destination as S3. 
  10. Select the delivery as Individual Recording - Entire Calls and provide the recording file name pattern as "/recordings/{Recording.created_data}/{Call.number}-{Call.call_id}.wav"
  11. Click OK and save the changes.
Note: Only the prefix needs to be given under Freshdesk app settings. For example, only https://.amazon.aws.com/recordings needs to be given in the app settings page.
The addition of /{Recording.created_data}/{Call.number}-{Call.call_id}.wav will be managed by the app.