The Team Performance Report provides valuable insights into the performance of agents and groups handling conversations and tickets. With this report, analyze agent and group performances across Freshdesk and Freshchat, and make data-driven decisions to enhance the overall team productivity. 


  • By default, the report presents data from the last 30 days, but you can customize the date range or apply various group by filters. 
  • You can export the report to your mail or download the report as PDF.
  • As this is a curated report, you cannot edit the report or add new metrics/filters. However, you can clone the report or create a custom report and add your preferred widgets/metrics.
  • By default, the report will show only chat and bot widgets. However, when you enable Freshdesk or buy the Freshcaller add-on, you will see additional widgets. Also, the report name changes accordingly. Check the pricing page for details on the Freshcaller add-on.

To access the report:

  1. Go to Support Analytics and click Curated Reports from the left panel.
  2. Choose Team Performance Report from the list of curated reports.

The report is split into the following tabs, each consisting of data/widgets specific to team performance:


The Agent tab provides a comprehensive summary of individual agent performances. You can use this to assess your

 agents' productivity and efficiency, allocate resources effectively, and identify opportunities for agent training and development. The key widgets include:

  • Chat agent performance analysis: Allows you to monitor and analyze the performance of chat agents based on key metrics such as average first response time, average resolution time, and SLA compliance. 
  • Helpdesk agent performance analysis: Allows you to monitor and analyze the performance of helpdesk agents based on key metrics such as average first response time, average resolution time, and SLA compliance.
  • Caller agent performance analysis: Allows you to monitor and analyze the performance of telephony agents based on key metrics such as average call duration, number of incoming/outing calls, and SLA compliance.


The tab gives you a summary of group performances across Freshdesk and Freshchat, enabling you to compare different groups, identify the most productive group, and analyze areas of improvement. The key widgets include:

  • Chat group performance analysis: Evaluate the performance of chat groups based on metrics such as the group's average first response time, average resolution time, and SLA compliance.
  • Helpdesk group performance analysis: Provides an overview of the performance of helpdesk groups, including metrics like average first response time, average resolution time, and SLA compliance.
  • Caller queue performance: Provides and overview of the performance of the call queues based on the metrics such as average call duration, number of incoming/outing calls, and SLA compliance.


The tab lets you manage your agents across Freshdesk and Freshchat and lets you ensure efficient distribution of workload among available agents, reducing customer wait times and improving customer satisfaction. The key widgets include:

  • Chat and caller agent availability: View the availability of chat and telephony agents in one place and know who is available to handle customer chats and calls.
  • Helpdesk agent availability: View the availability of Freshdesk agents and know who is currently online and ready to handle customer tickets.

List of attributes (metrics, filters, and group by)

Each widget in this report comprises metrics/attributes from different modules on Chat, Bot, Freshdesk, and Freshcaller analytics.