Enhance your customer support experience by integrating the Stamped.io Loyalty app into your Freshchat inbox. This app provides agents with valuable customer loyalty information directly within the Freshchat interface, empowering them to make more informed decisions while assisting customers. In this article, we'll guide you through the installation and user flow of the Stamped.io loyalty integration.

Follow these simple steps to install the Stamped.io loyalty app in your Freshchat inbox:

  1. Navigate to the Freshchat marketplace and search for the Stamped.io loyalty app.

  2. Click "Install" to add the app to your Freshchat account.

  3. In the app settings, enter your Stamped.io Private API key. You can obtain this key by going to the Stamped.io Admin Dashboard → Settings → API Keys → API Private Key. 

  4. Enter your Store Hash. You can find this by navigating to the Stamped.io Admin Dashboard → Settings → API Keys → Store Hash.

  5. Enter your Shopify URL in the format - https://yourstorename.myshopify.com 

  6. Click "Authenticate Account and Save" to complete the installation.

Using the Stamped.io Loyalty App
After successfully installing the app, follow these steps to access and use the Stamped.io Loyalty widget in the Freshchat inbox:

  1. Open a conversation with a customer in the Freshchat inbox.

  2. Locate the Stamped.io Loyalty widget on the right-hand side of the inbox view. 

  3. In the widget, you'll see the following customer details: 

    1. Customer Name: Clicking on the link takes the agent to the Stamped.io Loyalty customer page. 

    2. Enrollment Status & Loyalty Tier: View the customers' Stamped.io loyalty program enrollment status and their current loyalty tier.

    3. Points Balance & Rewards: View the customer's points balance, a list of approved and spent points, and their earned rewards. 

  4. To add or remove points for the customer, click the “Add points” or “Remove points” buttons, Input the desired points adjustment, and click "Save."

By integrating the Stamped.io Loyalty app into your Freshchat inbox, you can provide more personalized and efficient support to your customers. Agents will have easy access to crucial customer loyalty information, allowing them to better understand and address their needs.