The Viber app for Freshchat enables your agents to engage with your customers via Viber. This article elaborates on the functionalities supported by the Viber integration with Freshchat.

The article contains the following sections:

  1. Pre-requisites
  2. Features
  3. Configuring the Infobip app
  4. Installing Viber app
  5. Using the Viber app
  6. Pricing


Before you begin the Viber integration, ensure that you have the following details:

  • An Infobip account. If you don't have an Infobip account, create a new account
  • An Infobip API key to enable communication between Freshchat and Infobip
  • An oAuth token from Freshworks
  • A dedicated Viber sender. If you don't have one, check the Infobip signup page to get one. 


The following table provides an overview of all the supported message types, automation, structured message formats, message events, and consumer profiles: 

Message TypesTextIncomingYes
AutomationBotsBot to userNo
Structured MessagesArticlesBot to userNo
CarouselBot to userNo
ButtonsBot to userNo
Dropdown ListBot to userNo
Message EventsDeliveredIncomingNo
Consumer ProfileUser Name

Configuring the Infobip app

How to create an API key?

  1. Log in to the Infobip portal with your account credentials.
  2. Click Manage API Keys.
  3. Click New API Key.
  4. Enter the name for the new key and continue with the following steps:
    • Specify an expiration date
    • List the IP addresses allowed to use the key
    • Check the Public API checkbox
  5. Click Submit.

The page refreshes and displays your new key at the top of the list of any other keys that are associated with your account. Copy the API key and save it for the following steps.

Installing Viber app

To install the app, go to the Freshworks marketplace and search for Infobip Viber for Support. After you install the app, you will see the following screen:

Step 1: Enter the necessary data

  1. Enter the following data:
    • Freshchat API key: Allows the Viber app to communicate with Freshchat.
    • Infobip API key: Provides access to the Infobip platform used to send messages via Viber. Paste the key copied from the previous section. 
    • Freshchat Domain: URL of the instance where the integration will be active.
  2. Click Next to proceed.

Step 2: Choose a Viber number

Once you enter the API key in the previous screen, you will see a dropdown menu containing all your purchased dedicated Viber numbers. Select the number you want to use for this integration and then click Next.

Step 3: Success

Once all the steps are complete, click Save.

Contact Infobip Support to configure the webhook for the Viber sender. After you complete the, you can start using the app.

Using the Viber app

To get started, go to your Freshchat inbox. You will notice that there is no Infobip Viber window in the left navigation bar. This is because the app is embedded natively in agent conversations. Before starting any conversation, you need to complete the following additional steps for setting up a topic: 

  1. Go to Admin Settings > Configuration and Workflows > Web Chat Topics.
  2. Click Add Topic in the top right corner.
  3. Go to Advanced Settings
  4. Set the topic as Public and add the Tag as Default
  5. Click Publish

However, to use existing topics for Viber messaging, you only need to add the tag "Default" in the settings for that topic. When receiving or sending a message, the agent will see a Custom User Property corresponding to the user's Viber ID indicating that the users have Viber enabled and are capable of sending and receiving messages via Viber.

Receiving a Message

As an agent, you can receive Viber messages that contain both text and images. You can distinguish messages from an existing or new customer.
If a customer's information is already stored in the "People" section, you will see a new conversation in your Inbox with in the Viber channel every time they send a message to you. However, if the customer's information is not available in the "People" section, a new "Unknown user" is created and a new conversation is linked to the user. You need to manually add the correct data to the customer's profile. 


Contact for pricing details on Viber.