Your bots can share and receive rich media file types with customers to answer questions that can be better explained using images, files, or videos. This will enable businesses to share and collect information from their customers in a format of their choice, significantly reducing the overall resolution time. 

For example, an e-commerce business’ bot can send an image of a product or might want to collect a photo of a damaged item/order from a customer to initiate a refund. As a business, you may also want to send video tutorials, demonstration videos, an invoice, or even a product catalog to your customers. 

Here's how you can send files, images, and videos through your bot:

  • Navigate to the bots module and open your bot. Navigate to the dialog where you want to show the attach rich media.
  • Hover over the upload icon and attach images, files, or videos to your bot flows. 

This is how your customers will experience rich media: 

  • Here is an example of a bot sharing a video tutorial for resetting a password.

  • Here is an example of a bot sharing a document that confirms a new appointment.

You can attach images from your local drive or paste a publicly hosted URL (this only works for images and files). 

Currently, we support the following file formats:

Generic size/limit
Formats / Vendors
25 MB
"jpg", "png", "gif", "jpeg"
(we allow embedding publically hosted videos)
Youtube, Vimeo, Vidyard, loom or Wistia
25 MB



Please refer to this article to understand different message types supported on WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram DM, Apple Messages for Business, SMS for Twilio, Web Widget, and Mobile SDK.