• You can diagnose if there are any issues with Freshchat's connection by using the Freshchat connection diagnostic checker.
  • The report is unique for each customer. Once you log in to your Freshchat, you will need to navigate to {DomainName}/diagnostics/html/index.html.
  • For example, if your domain name is acme.freshchat.com, you will need to navigate to acme.freshchat.com/diagnostics/html/index.html

Note: You can find your Freshchat domain by navigating to Admin > Mobile App for Chat.

  • Remember to include the /diagnostics/html/index.html at the end of your domain ID to navigate to the diagnostic checker.
  • Once you navigate to this page, your connection test will automatically start, and you will get your report in the following format.

  • The report URL will be generated at the bottom of your screen. You can share this URL with our support team at support@freshchat.com. This will help us identify any connectivity issues you are facing and help you resolve them as soon as possible.