Create Custom Attributes to add to your experiments in your web application 

To create custom attributes, 

  1. Go to Admin Settings >  CRO Settings, and click Custom Attributes

  2. Click . This brings up a dialog box.

  3. Enter your custom attribute name, attribute ID & short description.

    1. Attribute Name: Any property or an attribute about your website visitor/customer Example: Pricing Plan or Number of Orders

    2. Attribute ID: The numerical Id or a variable that will be added to the web application's JavaScript API key. Keep in mind that no special characters are allowed (except underscore). All the values for the mentioned attribute will be fetched from your website. Example: pricing_plan or no_of_orders.

  4. Click Add. A JavaScript API key will be generated.


You can copy the custom attribute-specific JavaScript code by hovering over the text box. Also, you can Edit/Delete the custom attribute by selecting the hamburger icon displayed to the right of every attribute (refer to the screenshot).


Segmentation Report:


You can use Custom attributes to segment the reports based on your requirement which will help you to get a clear insight into your visitors. All the custom attributes you have created will be listed under **segmentation** for you to apply