Users who access your web pages are tracked in the web application. This is done by using Monthly Unique Visitor (MUV) as a metric. A monthly unique visitor is an individual user who visits your site and web pages within a 30-day period.
The web application tracks these visits using cookies that can store all website interactions for a defined period of time.
How to purchase a MUV Add-on for your account?
Go to Admin Settings > Account Settings and click Plans and Billing. This opens the My Subscriptions page where your account details are listed.
Click Manage Plan. This opens the Plans and Billings page.
Click the checkbox in the Monthly Unique Visitors box. This allows you to configure your MUV limit.
Use the slider to configure your limit.
. This takes you to the checkout page where you can confirm your purchase.
How does the web application track MUVs and calculate usage?
Let’s say a visitor lands on your website and is added to an experiment, say A/B testing. The web application counts this visitor as a Unique Visitor and your consumption will be calculated accordingly. Now, if this visitor qualifies for the conditions for another experiment and is also added to the said experiment, the user will still be counted as a single unique visitor.
Calculating usage of MUVs
The web application bills your account based on the number of MUVs who enter an experiment on your site. So, if you have purchased 25000 MUVs for a given month, then your usage will be counted based on the number of visitors that landed on your website for that period.
This means that the visitor (an individual) can visit your website any number of times in the same month, but you will still be billed for 1 visit.
When the limit is reached, any further website visit will not be tracked. You will have to extend your MUV limit to accommodate for additional traffic to your website.