Dropdown fields are useful when a single value needs to be selected from a list. Dropdown fields are provided for contacts, accounts, deals, products, and custom modules. The values for each dropdown list are called choices. As dropdown fields are totally customizable, you can add, edit, reorder and delete any or all of the choices.


Here’s how you do it,

Customize dropdown fields

  1. Go to Admin Settings > Leads, Contacts & Accounts > Contacts/Accounts. You’ll be directed to a page that has the respective fields. 

  2. For Deals, navigate to Admin Settings > Deals & Pipelines > Deals

  3. Find a field with dropdown choices. The dropdown fields have the icon associated with them. Dropdown fields come with default choices of which some are editable and others are non-editable. Non-editable choices are completely highlighted in grey. The other choices, however, can be edited, deleted, and rearranged.

    The table below has a list of all the dropdown fields for contacts, accounts, and deals. (The choices in bold are non-editable)
  4. List of dropdown fields

    Contact Dropdown fields

    Account dropdown fields

    Deal dropdown fields

    1. Contact lifecycle stage (based on the template chosen while setting up)

    • Lead

    • Sales Qualified Lead

    • Customer

    (edit or add choices of your own)

    2. Status

    • New

    • Contacted

    • Interested

    • Under review

    • Demo

    • Customer

    • Unqualified

    (edit or add choices of your own)

    3. Lost Reason

    (add choices of your own)

    3. Source

    • Web

    • Organic Search

    • Email

    • Phone

    • Chat

    • Webform

    • Referral

    • Direct

    • Paid Search

    • Blogs

    • Social Media

    • Display Ads

    • Events

    • Webinar 

    • Webchat

    (edit or add choices of your own)

    4. Campaign

    (add choices of your own)

    5. Subscription Type

    (edit or add choices of your own)

    6. Subscription status

    (edit or add choices of your own)

    1. Industry type

    (edit or add choices of your own)

    2. Business type

    (edit or add choices of your own)

    3. Number of employees

    • 1-10

    • 11-50

    • 51-200

    • 201-500

    • 501-1000

    • 1001-5000

    • 5001-10000

    • 10000+

    1. Deal stage

    • New

    • Follow up

    • Under review

    • Demo

    • Negotiation

    • Won 

    • Lost

    (edit or add choices of your own)

    2. Deal Pipeline

    Needs to be configured

    (edit or add choices of your own)

    3. Campaign

    (edit or add choices of your own)

    4. Type
    • Follow up

    • Under review

    (edit or add choices of your own)

    5. Lost reason
    • New Business - Renewal

    • Existing Business - Renewal

    • Existing Business - Upgrade

    (edit or add choices of your own)

    6. Product

    (add choices of your own)

    7. Payment status

    (edit or add choices of your own)

How to add choices?

3. If you need to add more choices to a dropdown field(or radio/multi-select fields)


  1. Click the dropdown button on a field and click the button. This brings up the Edit Field overlay.

  2. Alternatively, you can also click Add/Edit choices on the field. 

  3. In the Edit field overlay, you can view the Label, Internal name, Group, Field Type, and the Choices (New, Won, and Lost). All of them are non-editable.

  4. You can add new choices by clicking the + Add choice button.

  5. A new choice is added below the default choices. You can enter the value for the choice and click.

  6. To add choices in bulk, click on the Bulk add choices button, add the different choices in separate lines, and click on the Add choices button.

  7. The CRM detects duplicate choices entered and removes them automatically.

  8. If you’ve exceeded the choice limit, the CRM throws the below error.

  9. You can also re-arrange your choices alphabetically or search for a particular choice while configuring.

  10. If you’d like to delete the choice, click the Delete icon, and if you’d like to rearrange the choices you’ve added, simply drag and drop them.

  11. Click Save when you’re done.

  1. You can add up to 300 choices in a dropdown field

  2. When you edit a choice by changing its value, the change is reflected across all records that have that choice selected in the field. For example, let’s assume Deal Stage is the field and that you’ve added a choice called Demo. If you change the choice Demo to Product Demo, all the deals that have the choice Demo selected in the field Deal Stage would now have Product Demo in the field.

  3. However, if you delete a choice, all records with that choice are replaced with the first default choice in the dropdown. For example, say Deal Stage has 4 choices in the order - New, Follow Up, Demo, Won of which New and Won are default choices. If you delete the choice Demo, all the deals that have the choice Demo selected in the field Deal Stage would have New (which is the first default choice) in the field.


The fields under Additional Information and Application Data are custom fields. Custom dropdown fields are completely at your disposal. You can add or delete as many choices as you’d like, name or rename the field and also change the group of the field and field type. 


Learn more about editing custom fields.