The default dashboard in Freshdesk offers an overall view of the entire helpdesk’s performance and KPIs. These widgets are fixed with options to filter by Group and Product. With customisable Team Dashboards, teams/groups within an organization can get a clear picture of just their team’s performance at a glance. This will help Supervisors of specific teams to monitor their teams’ performances, quickly manage the ticket flow, and measure their teams’ productivity.

As an Admin/Supervisor, customize your dashboard to show your teams' required metrics. This customized dashboard gives the agents of that team visibility into tickets that require immediate attention, helps them to quickly jump in and assist the team in improving the team’s overall metrics, and even helps motivate themselves to make it to the top of the leaderboard.

Article Overview

A quick guide to creating a new Team Dashboard:

  1. Login to your Freshdesk account as an Admin/Supervisor.
  2. In the Dashboard tab, click on the hamburger symbol on the top left corner and then click on + New team dashboard.
    • An account can have a maximum of 15 custom dashboards. 
    • Each team dashboard can have the following widgets and respective counts:



      Bar chart






  3. Give your custom dashboard a suitable name and set the visibility of the dashboard to either 'All agents' or 'Agents in group'.
  4. Click on 'Done'. You can edit the name and/or visibility later by clicking on the edit icon right next to the name of the dashboard.
  5. You are now ready to configure the widgets on your dashboard from the Widget Library.

Widget Library
What it displays
Live Widgets
Score card
Shows the count of tickets in your Ticket views (default and custom views applicable to groups)
Bar Chart
Shows you the graph for the count of tickets in your Ticket views. This representation will help you deep dive into problematic areas
Team performance and trends
Customer Satisfaction
Shows how happy your customers are
Shows the champion agent across the various parameters of your Arcade settings

Widget Library:

The widget library offers various widgets that can be added to your dashboard to help you monitor your team’s performance trends, and your live workload to help you take necessary actions faster.

The live widgets from the widget library pull out data from your ticket views to help you monitor and categorise data using scorecards and bar charts in real time. 

Score card:

This score card displays the ticket count based on your chosen ticket view. Only global views and group views available to the Admin/Supervisor are shown. This card doesn’t require a refresh and shows values close to real-time with a maximum of 30-second delay. Click on the widget to add it to your dashboard. 

Note: Private custom views that are visible just to the Admin/Supervisor will not be available as part of the ‘Ticket view’ list for this widget.

Configuring the widget:

  1. Give the widget a suitable name.

  2. Choose which ticket view the widget should pull values from

    • The ‘Show filters’ will give you a quick view of the filters set for that view

  3. Widget highlights: Choose the thresholds for the selected metric. The widget will alert you using color codes if the thresholds are breached. If you are not sure of the values to specify, click on the ‘Help me decide’ button, and we’ll help you decide the values based on your past trends for the particular metric.
  4. Clicking on the ‘Save and back’ arrow will save this widget and take you back to the widget library.

Once this is set up, clicking on the score card from the dashboard will take you to the corresponding ticket list view.

Bar Chart:

The Bar chart displays the split of tickets based on the ticket view and categorisation of your choice. This card doesn’t require a refresh and shows values close to real-time with a maximum of 30-second delay. Click on the widget to add it to your dashboard. 

Configuring the widget:

  1. Give the widget a suitable name.

  2. Choose which ticket view the widget should pull values from.

    • The ‘Show filters’ will give you a quick view of the filters set for that view

  3. Categorise the graph to display information based on the dropdown fields available in your account.

  4. You can choose to have the graph represent values in either percentage or count.

  5. Clicking on the ‘Save and back’ arrow will save this widget and take you to the widget library.

Once this is set up, clicking on any of the values on the bar chart from the dashboard will take you to the corresponding ticket list view. You will notice a ‘View all’ option if the chart has more than 6 values. Clicking on this ‘View all’ will open out the chart with all the values in a slider. 

Customer Satisfaction:

The Customer Satisfaction widget displays the count of survey responses and the percentage of the type of surveys received. Click on the widget to add it to your dashboard.

Configuring the widget:

  1. Give the widget a suitable name.

  2. Choose which ‘Group’ you would like to view the CSAT ratings for.

  3. You can set up a ‘Time period’ for the widget to dynamically show ratings for the specified date range.

Once this is set up, clicking on the 'View details’ option within the widget from the dashboard will take you to the Customer Satisfaction report with the corresponding filters applied.


Based on your gamification settings under Admin > Agent Productivity > Arcade, the leaderboard widget would display the leaders in each segment.

There are four badges in Freshdesk, each based on different metrics:

  • Most Valuable Player: Agent with the most overall points for the current month.

  • Customer 'Wow' Champion: Agent with the maximum Customer Satisfaction points for the current month.

  • Sharpshooter: Agent with the highest First Call Resolution (tickets resolved with only one interaction between agent and customer) for the current month.

  • Speed Racer: Agent with the maximum points for Quick Resolution (ticket was solved in under an hour) for the current month.

This metric can be filtered by groups and timelines. 

Configuring the widget:

  1. Give the widget a suitable name.

  2. Choose which ‘Group’ you would like to view the leaderboard for.

Once this is set up, clicking on the ‘View all’ option within the widget from the dashboard will take you to the leaderboard list page with the corresponding filters applied.

Managing the custom Team Dashboard:

  1. Drag and drop widgets to reorder the display as desired.
  2. Once you configure and 'Save' a new custom dashboard, you can edit the widgets and clone the dashboard if required using the 'Edit' and 'Clone' buttons on the top right corner of the dashboard page.
  3. If you want to delete a custom dashboard, click on the 'Edit' button and then hit the 'Delete' icon against the dashboard's name to remove it from the helpdesk. Note that this is a permanent delete and cannot be undone.

Go one step further and broadcast team-specific announcements using the ‘Announcements’ feature for every team dashboard that you create.

Note: Admins can permit users to view their own or other users' tickets. To do this, go to Admin > Roles, select a role, and under the Analytics tab, enable Access to account-level data on the Dashboard so that users can view team-level dashboards.

A quick guide to setting up an announcement:

  • Click on the ‘Announcements’ button on the top right corner of the dashboards page

  • Type your message, limited to 150 characters, in the text box

  • Click on Post

  • The broadcasted message will now show up as an announcement, with your name, time and date of publishing, for that particular team dashboard

    • The visibility settings of the team dashboard will be applied to the announcement as well

  • Clicking on the announcement will take you to the ‘Announcement History’ on the slider, where the announcements from the last 30 days will be listed

  • By clicking on any of these announcements, you’ll be able to see the ‘Viewed By’ panel listing out the names of agents who viewed the announcement from the dashboard

  • You can click on the ‘Stop’ button to remove the broadcast from the team dashboard

Once you post an announcement, the agents will be notified via the in-app notification, inside Freshdesk. Clicking the announcement on the notification section will mark it as ‘read’.

Note: It’s not possible to edit an announcement. You can stop an existing announcement and post a new one instead.

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