The Author property of a solution article is mandatory. Administrators can change the author of articles in your Knowledge Base.

This article contains:

Change the author of a single article

  1. Open the article and click Edit to start modifying it.
  2. Click Edit article properties at the bottom of the right panel.
  3. Select the desired Author and click Publish to save the properties.
  4. Click Publish in the top-right to commit changes to the article.

GIF demonstrating the steps above.

Bulk change the author of a set of articles

  1. From the Solutions tab, click the Filters button in the top-left and select All articles.
  2. In the All articles view, apply filters in the Filters panel on the right to find articles to update.
    • For example, if your knowledge base is mature, you may have articles that were written by agents who have since been Deactivated or Deleted. In the Author dropdown, choose "Deleted Agent" and click Apply to find those articles.
  3. In your filtered list, use the checkboxes to the left of the article name to select articles to update.
  4. Click the Change Author button, type or select the new author from the dropdown of agents, and click Save.

GIF demonstrating the steps above.

Use cases for changing authors

Whenever a customer downvotes an article, a ticket is created and the author is marked as a watcher. It is helpful to keep the author of your articles updated to leverage feedback. You may want to update the author when:

  • An article was written by somebody who is no longer with your company.
  • The author of the article has moved to another department within your company and isn't responsible for maintaining the article anymore.
  • The responsibility of maintaining articles is shared between multiple people on your team.
  • The agent is deleted.