Note: Contact list validation is currently available in beta for customers in the Growth and above plans. You can write to [email protected] to enable this feature for your account.

You can automatically verify the email addresses for contacts from the CRM and be confident about the emails you send. Sending emails to junk or spam emails can increase bounce rates, and suspend emails being sent from the CRM. 

How to enable contact list validation?

Note: Contact list validation is enabled by default.

To view or disable enablement,

Go to Admin Settings > CRM Settings > Outgoing Emails > Auto-verify email addresses of contacts before sending emails

You will also see a prompt about contact list validation being enabled when you try to send bulk emails. Click Review settings to go to the above location.

How does contact list validation work while sending bulk emails?

  1. Go to Contact list view

  1. Select required contacts

  1. Click Bulk Email

  1. In the bulk email overlay that opens, add the required email content and click Personalize

  1. In the Personalize overlay, click Send. Freshsales will now validate the email addresses, so the emails will not be sent immediately

  2. You will receive an email that mentions that the email has been sent to all contacts. This excludes the junk email addresses.

  3. You will also receive an email that contains the list of contacts for whom the email has not been sent.

  1. Click go here to view the bulk email metrics.

  1. Click View details to view the list of contacts for whom the email was not sent, with the status as Bounced.

  1. You can send emails to Junk contacts individually, through sales sequences, or through workflows or remove them from the CRM (recommended). You can choose the Dropped contacts view to view the list of contacts who were skipped.

Note: When individual emails sent to dropped contacts are successfully delivered, their emails will automatically be marked as valid.